Chapter 5 : you come in the middle of the night and say hey !!?

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Daniel had been working  on all the possible ways to prove that Jamie is cheating on bonnie but he was failing in it it was like Jamie was thinking of all the possible ways he could get caught and be safe in all the ways

' But he is also a human being he will also get caught doing something but do that thing before it gets too late ' This is what Daniel says to himself so that he won't lose hope

Daniel walked back to his house tired of all the effort he has been giving to his assignment , well Erin called it as mission Wrightcliffe which is according to her is the ship name for bonnie and daniel and she also told many times that she ships them a lot

Daniel vaguely pressed the door bell waiting for his mom to receive the door when something clicked in his mind he first wanted to know how Bonnie felt about their engagement 

He quickly ran off to his car forgetting that he pressed the door bell or that his mother would be angry when he comes back to his house 

And even if he remembered that he wouldn't have waited because the thing important right now was his life , which was bonnie

Daniel quickly drove off to Bonnie's house which was pretty distant from his , but he was so excited that he drove too fast that he reached a 20 minutes distance in 5 minutes 

That was really fast Daniel thought not bothering about the fact that it was 9 o'clock in the night which is late according to Bonnie he pressed the door bell panting but his smile never left his face

Bonnie and her family ( which is only her , her mom and dad because Lewis moved out to his own house when he came of age ) were already sleeping because 9 o'clock is late for them and bonnie was the one who heard the bell ring because she is a light sleeper

Bonnie got out of her bed wondering who was knocking at this time , she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and went down the stairs still wondering who was there while Daniel was still standing there patiently because Daniel is usually not a patient person who waits fiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeee minutes

Bonnie opened the door only to find a smiling Daniel standing ever so handsomely " hey bonnie " Daniel said smiling widely as he saw bonnie open the door " YOU COME IN THE MIDDLE OF A NIGHT AND SAY HEY !!? " Bonnie literally shouted making daniel realise that it was almost 9:30 

" sorry I was umm I couldn't sleep so I thought I will come over here for some time sorry to disturb you " daniel said apologetically but still he was smiling at how cute she looked when she was angry 

" okay come in sorry I was sleeping so when you woke me up for literally no reason I got kind of mad " bonnie said leading daniel to the living room 

" it's okay well how is life after Harry Potter ?? " Daniel asked thinking of how to come up with the topic of her engagement so that it won't look abrupt 

" it's going good but I miss all the interactions we had while filming Harry Potter " Bonnie said recalling happy memories that happened in the set of Harry Potter 

" yeah I miss them too but I've been engaging myself with a lot of works so I won't think of Harry Potter " Daniel said nodding but one part of it wasn't true it was true that he was engaging himself with a lot of works but it was not to stop himself from thinking of Harry Potter but it was to stop himself from thinking about Bonnie which he has been doing a lot nowadays

" what about we have a cast reunion I really want to meet everyone " bonnie said staring at the ceiling completely changing the track of their conversation 

" well that sounds good but where are we gonna meet " Daniel asked forgetting the main thing he came here for 

" well what about the grand canyon the scenery and everything it's just everything is peaceful " bonnie said looking at Daniel as if asking permission to which Daniel nodded thinking of how romantic it would be if they were there alone all by themselves them being a couple and all that would only happen in Daniel's dreams

" okay set we'll talk about that tomorrow you need to go to your home and I need to sleep so get out " bonnie said practically throwing daniel out of her house but that's not what emma would have done if you went to her house in this time 

She would practically complained to the cops that you were in her house at this time disturbing her sleeps 

( word count : 870 ) 

( Fact : As well as acting, Daniel Radcliffe has a talent for poetry. He has published some work under the name Jacob Gershon )

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