Chapter 7 : Meeting after years

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Daniel walked out of his car into Tom and Emma's house because they were all meeting there and then they will go to the Grand Canyon

Daniel pressed the door bell and waited impatiently for someone to receive the door until he heard a faint ' coming wait a minute ' from the most sweetest voice he's ever heard in his life which belongs to none other than Bonnie Francessa Wright

" Hey Dan come in !!! " Bonnie said with a smile while she was opening the door to let Daniel inside

" Hey Bonnie !! How many else are here ??? " Daniel said coming inside the house examining how Emma has took care of their house 

" Only you , me , tom and emma Rups told he will be coming late and Matt told he will pick Evanna from her house so they will also be late " Bonnie said looking towards the kitchen where Tom and Emma were trying to bake a cake

" Emma are you sure you don't need any help ?? I'll help you to make a cake " Bonnie said leaving to the kitchen where Daniel also followed

" It's okay Bonnie and Dan you both sit in the living room we'll clean this mess and better order a cake beause we didn't get it correctly " Emma said biting her tongue

" Okay come on Dan let's go and well maybe talk " Bonnie said smiling at her now best friend

" Yeah I don't think I'll be able to look at this beautifully set kitchen after this " Daniel said sarcastically while bonnie nudged him in the ribs and Daniel gave a small " oww "

The Door bell rang which made everyone wonder who was the next one to come , Bonnie went to open the door revealing two red head identical guys who were most likely to be twins

" Hello sister !! Forgot us did you ?? " The phelps twins asked smirking at Bonnie who just realized that she completely forgot about the twins

" Okay sorry bro but I forgot then who told you about this ?? " Bonnie asked confused of how they came to know about this and how she forgot her Fred & George

" Well over dear Neville Longbottom being who he is proved that he was given th charecter for some reason by being clumsy and a very very truthful boy said it while talking through phone " The phelps twins said together going inside the house no even bothering the fact that they literally pushed Bonnie out of their way 

" Hello guys " James said while Oliver waved to all the boys and girl sitting over there in the living room , I really should say that the all of them were shocked as hell they couldn't beleive their own eyes 

" We are for real not your dream so don't ask us to pinch you " Oliver said while everyone looked at them astonished

" Hiya there , sorry late because I had to drop Georgia home " Rupert said not realizng the twins were also there hearing to him  

" Hiya brother " The phelps twins said together making Rupert's head turn towards their direction , his eyes were so wide as if his eyes balls would roll out of their sockets

" Nobody told The phelps trouble making twins were coming " Rupert said still looking at James & oliver as if they were a weird creature

" I forgot about them but Matt didn't so he kind of called them " Bonnie said answering Rupert's sentence even though it was not even a question 

" Hey guys !! Why is the door open ?? Hey Mates " Matthew said / asked coming in while Evanna followed him closing the door behind her

" Hey there Matt " Everyone said together as if they were one and not seven

" Why are you all so quite ?? " Matthew asked staring at them with a confused look

" Well Matt I forgot to tell the phelps twins so we are all a bit shocked when the gave a sudden entry " Bonnie said because she was the first one to recover from the shock and all the others eventually recovered from the shock and all them started talking while Emma ordered a cake 

That's how they spent all day then the next day they will be going to Grand Canyon to enjoy and have a lot of shocking news for them to know

( Word count : 804 )

( Fact : Daniel has also written a few short stories and said he would consider writing a play. He is not interested in ever writing a full novel )

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