𝐱. the roof

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"it's always have and never hold."


when i guided zayn outside, i took him to a ladder that leads up to my roof.

"you seriously expect me to climb on a ladder to get to your roof? what if i fall?!" he exclaimed fearfully.

"just come on, zayn. it's not as bad as you think." i encouraged.

"fine, but if i fall, you're paying the hospital bills." he huffed.

"zayn. do you seriously think i'll let you fall? you know me better than that, just come on." i insisted and started to climb up the ladder. he followed behind and eventually we made it to the top.

"wow." he whispered and looked around.

"yeah, wow."

from my roof, you can see everything. that's one of the advantages of having a two story house.


after that, we laid down and talked for hours. not about anything important, just whatever came to mind.

we calmed down our laughter that was a result of him saying something funny. i looked over at him as he thought of something to say next.

"what do you want to be when you grow up?"

ah yes, one of the most basic questions you can ask someone, along with "what is your favorite color?" and "what is your favorite food?" however, i still don't know the answer to this question.

i ended up answering with something i shouldn't have.


he looked at me with slight worry. "nothing? why?"

i hesitated before speaking. "i've just never really pictured a future for myself, i always thought i'd kill myself before 18."

his face paled and he looked at me with tears welled up in his eyes. he scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. i started to cry as well.

"h-harry, promise me you won't ever try to do that?" he choked out and looked at me with teary eyes.

"i can't promise you that, zayn. i'm sorry."

LOOK AFTER YOU : ZARRYWhere stories live. Discover now