Back To School

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*nathans pov*

"Julia get up! For the last time your going to be late!" I shouted for the seventh time. "Ugh I don't want to." "We'll if your not up in a minute I'm going to get you up myself!" "Not scared dad!" "You should be!" "Nathan you know she's not a morning person." Sav hugged me lovingly. "I know but she needs to go to school. It's her first day back at high school." I sighed lightly. "I'll go and try. Watch her come down in five." Sav was right but in the five minutes Julia came down she sat putting on her make up at the table. "Morning princess!" I placed Julia's hair over her right side of her shoulder. "Morning dad." "You still tired?" "Incredibly." "You should go to sleep earlier." "I guess so." "Babe why do you put that crap on your face? You'll only get the wrong sort of attention and you don't need that stuff. We made you perfect enough." Julia cringed. "Ugh dad please don't talk to me about that?" "You'll understand when your older.." "Yeah I'm gonna go I'm meeting Mollie and Tiegan." "No breakfast?" "Um no... I'm dieting." "Seriously your fine Julia. You don't need a diet!" "Yeah right..." "Yes Julia you know I'm right." "Are you off babes?" Sav smiled "yeah I'm going now." Julia rolled her eyes. "Have a good day baby." "Yeah, bye!" "Bye baba." I called after Julia. Since she's been in year 10 she's changed, alot. Julia used to be daddy's girl. Always wanting to spend time with me while I'm home, sweet and caring. Now she's always spending time putting make up on, she's got an attitude and somehow always manages to test me to the limit. I just don't understand why my daughter has gone from always seeking my approval to rebellious and full of attitude.

*Julia's pov*

I met mollie and Tiegan at the bottom of my road. "Hey mollie, hey Tiegs." "Hey, back to the hell hole today." Mollie sighed. "It's not that bad." Tiegan laughed. "It is, I know. With all the little nerds." I sighed honestly everyone in school used me for popularity. Just because I'm 'Nathan Sykes' daughter. Only Tiegan knew just how annoying it was, her brother Aston is in a boyband and she's got the same problems as me "Hey Julia!" "Hollie! Oh my god I thought you'd left!" "Pfft nah! As if I'd let my mum make me change schools!" Hollie laughed. "Welcome back girlfriend!" Mollie and I beamed. Hollie is one of my best friends we've been friends since we were in primary school. "Hey Sykes! You better keep out my way this term!" Hope snarled. "Oh yeah or else what? You gonna pull my hair and scratch me? Oh wait you wouldn't your fake nails are too precious aren't they." I replied sarcastically. Hope is part of the slutty fakes group. Our group is just a popular group were not fake or desperate for sex like their group. "Ew no way. Listen your not gods gift just because your dad is like so fit and I'd shag him like oh my gosh you're so ugly." "Oh yeah? Well you don't see me complain that your too umpa lumpa! Get out my face hoe and also... My dad wouldn't go near a fake slut like you." Mollie, Hollie, Tiegan and I walked off laughing. I do get the odd hate here and there but I don't even care. It's usually from the fakers so no skin off my nose.

When Mollie, Hollie, Tiegan and I arrived at our form room we saw the rest of our group also others with their groups. Mollie, Hollie and I walked up to our table. "Morning beautiful bitches!" I called as we walked up to our table causing Tamara, Jaz and Amie to turn grinning. "Morning to you too my sexy hoe!" Tamara beamed. Tiegan had gone and sat with some a group of people and were talking. We all had a group hug and sat chatting until Mr wallis came in. When the register had been done we went to lesson. "Ugh maths.." Hollie groaned. Mollie and I laughed "just coz you sit with your boyfriend." I teased. Miss wright decided to have a seating plan, because we all messed around in her maths lesson. She sat Hollie next to the maths geek and he fancies her real bad. We always tease Hollie over it because the way she cringes is just too funny. "Hey hols! Give your boyfriend a kiss." Tamara joked. "Yeah right on the lips!" Jaz winked. Hollie laughed sticking her two fingers up, miss wright caught her. "Hollie Raymond! What do you think you are doing? Julia, Tamara and Jasmine sit down and be quiet!" "Charlee wright I am using my fingers to quietly swear! Fucking dumb arse!" Jaz, Tamara, Amie and I are laughing hard and miss wright is getting cross. "Hollie sit down and behave!" "Yeah yeah whatever." This is why I love these girls they're hilarious. After an half an hour of taunting miss wright it was lunch. I spent lunch chilling with the usual gang, Tiegan and her friends joined us and some random boys trying to seek my attention. Honestly so desperate! My friends and I went to our last two lessons Geography and art. I messed about in geography and art, although I did concentrate in art. Purely because I liked art.

I arrived home only mum was in so I took to my room and blared my music out. Did I care if it was loud?...nah! I couldn't care less.

Ok so this is the second part. I hope you's aren't disappointed. Julia xxx

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