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*Sav's pov*

Nath and I walked into the house with the chips he'd bought us all. I practically had to force him to buy Ast some, he's been in a vile mood with Ast over something so petty and it doesn't even concern him. The worst part is that it's making Ast feel uncomfortable and because Ast is feeling uncomfortable Julia is noticing and it's stressing her out. "Nath just be nice." I warned as we walked into the house "I am I always am." Nath frowned. "I mean to Aston..." I rolled my eyes "oh him? No way, he hurt my baby." Nath scrunched his nose up disgusted. "Not even for me?" I asked "no Sav, he hurt our daughter and you still think the sun shines out of his arse." Nath sighed. "But you are stressing Julia out." I put my hands on my hips. "What, no I'm not." Nath stated shocked. How was I going to get him to see how his moods are affecting everyone. "Right, ok. You are being spiteful to Ast and you're too stubborn to admit it. I know you know deep down you're being mean." Nath didn't reply he just went into the kitchen and put the chips onto each plate. "Hello darling how are you?" I asked Julia grinning as she waddled towards me. "Well I am tired and we are very hungry." She pouted. "Awh baby, thats pregnancy for you I'm afraid. Have you and Tiegan made friends yet?" I questioned as I set the table. "No... She's a bitch mum." Julia frowned. "Awh come on that's hardly fair is it?" I shook my head at how stubborn Julia was being, I guess she takes after her dad like that. "Mum have no idea ok." Julia sighed. How can I get her to open up to me? I doubt that she ever will. "Food!" Nath shouted before I had chance to question Julia about anything else, grrr.

*Julia's pov*

I really hate it when mum thinks she knows everything and especially when she accuses me of being unfair! I sat at the table joining Ast. "Hey baby." I smiled at him. "Hey gorgeous, are you both ok?" I nodded in reply. "And yourself?" I asked holding his hand under the table, mum and dad walked in and took their seats after giving us our chips. "Ten times better now I'm here with you today had been actual hell." Ast sighed placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Thanks Nath and Sav." He smiled "it's ok." mum smiled as dad glared blankly at Ast. I coughed lightly "um dad...Ast is talking to you." "Yes.." Dad said bluntly. "What's the matter with you dad?" I frowned. "Nothing, what's with the questions?" Dad asked shoving a chip in his mouth. "You just seem really pissed off.." I shrugged "are you sure you're ok Nath?" Ast asked concerned. "Yes.." Dad replied even blunter. "Nathan." Mum warned as dad rolled his eyes I could feel my blood boiling, what is his problem! "Sav please can you pass me the ketchup?" Ast smiled, this is why I love him when things are awkward he always tries to keep the peace. "Sure, here you go." Mum passed Ast the ketchup and smiled widely at me, I gave her a small smile back not because I didn't want to but because I was feeling a little pain. Surely it will go a way right? "You and your ketchup!" I laughed "you know me I live on it." Ast winked. I caught dad mumble something under his breath but decided to pretend I hadn't seen. Ast and mum were joking about something I didn't really catch on because I was too busy in my thoughts. "Didn't we babe?" Ast looked at me grinning. "What?" I replied confusedly "the interview the other day." Ast smiled. "Yeah." I smiled going along with whatever Ast had said. Yes was obviously the reply he wanted. After the chips Ast helped mum tidy up and wash the pots. I lay on the sofa playing so music at a quiet volume on my phone. "Oi, turn that shit off." Dad said bluntly picking up the TV remote. "Dad just leave it for a minute please, I really need it." Dad squinted his eyes looking at me. "You're not dying Julia you're pregnant so why should you be treated like you're dying?" I looked at him quietly wondering what I'd done to deserve that. "No dad I'm not dying as you so horribly put it. However I do need to relax myself." I snapped angrily, aghh maybe I shouldn't have done that. I held my bump gently rubbing it. Dad looked at me frowning. "What's wrong Julia?" "Ah, nothing ok. Why can't you just let me relax?" I shook my head as dad left me alone.

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Julia xxxx

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