That's Just How It Is

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*Nathan's pov*

Julia and I were in the front seats in the car on the way home from taking Tori out for dinner. "so it's over? I questioned wanting to know more into what happened. "I guess so. I'm so sick of us upsetting Tori arguing and also the fact Aston doesn't trust me." Julia frowned. "How do you know it upsets Tori though?" I asked confusedly. Julia looked at me, I quickly looked at her. her eyes had watered and she looked as if she was about to break down crying. "she told me dad. Whenever I would shout something, whatever it may be like 'shove the kettle on!' I'd catch her jump. she'd go quiet." Julia sniffled. "oh babe." I replied sympathetically. "Tell me that alarm bells don't go off when I tell you that?" Julia sighed. I looked in the interior mirror and caught sight of Tori she had hold of her teddy and her head lolling to the side as she slept. "yeah it does." I replied, Julia briefly put her head in her hands. "I take it he's been round then?" Julia looked at me. "Yeah. he has taken all his things there's something at home he told me to give you too." I stated. I have no idea what it is but it's fairly big. "Oh...right." Julia nodded confusedly.

Soon pulling up in the drive at home, Julia got out the car and woke Tori up. Tori moaned at Julia for being woken up, Julia picked Tori up and her little school bag before taking her into the house. Julia may look strong and unaffected by her and Aston's break up but trust me, it shines though... I know she's hurting and upset over it. I'm going to try and do everything I can to keep her on her toes and strong for Tori...I knew one day this would happen. I guess that's just how it is.

*Julia's pov*

I walked into the lounge and let Tori down she was still in a mard because I woke her up. "come on let's get pjs on then you can have some milk and a biscuit before bed." I smiled cheerily walking up the stairs. Tori followed lagging behind.

"These ones mummy!" Tori frowned and pulled out a pair of pjs from her draw a few minutes later. "what's wrong with these?" I questioned holding up Tori's Ben and Holly's little kingdom pjs. "I want Snow White!" Tori stamped her feet, this is what happens when Tori is tired. "well say please then." I urged. "no!" Tori folded her arms. "Ben and holly it is then..." I replied pulling Tori closer to me and began to put the pjs on her. Tori now angry and upset because she didn't get her way cried. "I don't like you mummy, you're mean." Tori said between sobs. "Ok then." I replied, Tori hit my arm in anger. "hey!!" I shouted causing her to go quiet. "don't hit mummy, you are a very naughty little girl!" I said in a stern tone and put her in bed. Tori wiggled her way out hugging my legs. "Mummy I'm sorry, I'll behave" "no, get back in bed mummy is very sad that you hurt her." I replied placing her back in bed. I went downstairs sighing to myself, dad had made us all hot drinks and we sat down in front of the fire watching "where's our Ast?" mum questioned two minutes into the start of Eastenders. "He's left, we're not together anymore." I replied still watching the TV. "why!" mum gasped almost sounding annoyed. "we're arguing all the time and what's a relationship if there's no trust?" I replied rolling my eyes. "oh. I see." mum replied bluntly. Sorry for doing what's best for my unborn child and Tori. I mean god aren't I just the worst parent ever! I just can't do anything right. "So are you letting him see the little monkeys?" Mum started up again "yes." I replied sighing "when?" mum asked muting the TV. "mum! turn the volume on." I rolled my eyes snapped slightly. "tell me then ill let you have the sound!" Mum demanded. "When ever he wants. look I know you liked him but you know, this is just how it is ok." I got up and left the room deciding an early night was best.

Thoughts and comments?
Love from Julia xxx

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