Chapter 11 - Hakuna Matata

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Ed's POV

When I picked up my coat a small folded up piece of paper fell out. It read...



I wasn't expecting that. It was a pleasant surprise that made me smile. I had been hoping for a secret note saying I won the lottery. When could Kayla have put it in my jacket? I was about to throw the note away when I noticed a message scribbled on the back side.

Ed, everything has changed. We're not the same people we used to be. We went our separate ways, but our paths managed to cross again. Maybe this is a sign; I'm not sure. However it seems that I need to focus on something other than a serious relationship. I hope you understand my position. I would still like to write music and hang out as friends.


I refolded the note and carefully tucked it in my pocket for safe keeping. Friend zoned. Ouch. Tomorrow we will be able to talk some more, and maybe I'll change her mind.

Taylor's POV

I'm glad the kids like Ed. Kayla drew him a picture and I told her I would slip it in his coat pocket before we left. I wonder when he will find my note.

"Where are we going mommy?"

"Where do you want to go? I know I promised we could do something that you wanted to do."

"I want to go to a concert."

"A concert! What kind?" I was getting excited.

"I don't know." She said shrugging her shoulders. "A fun one."

"Okay. It's a little last minute but I'll see what I can do."

"Do you like Ed?" Kayla asked changing the topic.

"Yes, we're friends." I try to be as open as I possibly can with my daughter. Sometimes it's hard to know which things I should share, and which things are best saved for a later time. 

"Can he be my friend too? He can come over for a play date!"

"Darling, he is way too busy to come to Nashville."


I pulled the car up front of our building and the valet came to our door.

"Good afternoon Ms. Swift."

"Hello. You can bring the car to the garage, but we will be going out again in a few hours."

"Of course."

I unbuckled Kayla and Owen from their car seats. They ran into the building and waited patiently at the elevator. It was Owen's turn to press the button. It's beautiful how simple things never cease to amaze children. We rode the elevator all the way to the top floor. I was getting my key out when I heard a loud crash come from inside the apartment. I jumped away from the door startled. I hurried the kids back downstairs and had them wait in the lobby with the door man. I went back up with a security gaurd.

"This is building security. Come out slowly." Called the security gaurd.

"Just a minute." Came the voice from inside. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite make out who the voice belonged to. The door opened. A girl wearing a dirty apron poked her head out.

"Selena? What are you doing in my apartment?"

"Ma'am do you know this woman?" Asked the security gaurd.

"Yes. I'm sorry for wasting your time. This is all a misunderstanding."

The gaurd grumbled and headed towards the elevator. Selena stepped back into the apartment and I followed her into the kitchen.

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