Chapter 22 - State of Grace

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Taylor's POV

I had my mom pick Kayla up today so I could meet with her teacher. I walked into the classroom once all of the kids left. "Hello Ms. Swift." Ms. Bailey greeted me cheerfully.


"Please take a seat." She went to a file cabinet to pull out some of Kayla's work. She passed me a few items. "Kayla is a great girl. However I am worried about her socially. She sits by herself on the play ground and doesn't talk much, but she is brilliant and excited about learning. "

"Didn't you know about the bullying?"

"Heavens, no! What has been going on?"

"Sophia McDonald and her friends have been bullying Kayla in class and at recess. That is why she has the bruises and bandages on her face." I explained, angry that she didn't know. Her face became expressionless.

"I'm so sorry. Unfortuneatly I had no idea. The girls sit at the same table." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Kayla must hate me for making her come each day.

"Is there anyway I could have her switch classes or anything? I have been looking at other schools too. I'll do anything for her. I want her to be safe."

"I don't think switching classes would be good for her. This is the most advanced Kindergarten class. I was actually thinking about requesting a test for her to see if she could be in an advanced placement class. She excels in every academic area."

"I don't know if can keep making her come here. Bullying isn't something that can be ignored. It will only get worse if we don't intervene." I stated getting agitated.

"I think she should take that test and then see what our options might be." Suggested Ms. Bailey.

"If she does take the test and does well, what will that change?"

"We could move her up a grade. I would hate to see her suffer academically as well as socially. I will move Kayla to a different table tomorrow."

"Okay." I said not feeling convinced this would work. "Thank you for your time."

On my way home I drove past the private school I saw online. It looked more like a prison from the outside. The school is supposed to have extremely good test scores. I need to talk to Kayla.

I was bombarded with questions from Kayla when I got in the house. "What did she say about me?"

"She said you are an excellent student." I told her while I sat down my stuff. She is going to have you take a test tomorrow to see if you can move a grade up."

"Do I need to study?"

"Nope. Just do your best. There may be some questions you don't know the answers to, but that's okay." I tried to make the test sound like it wasn't a big thing to worry about. The last thing I want to do is have her worry about academic performance.

"Where's your brother?" I asked.

"He went to help Grandma with laundry downstairs."

"Great. You can watch TV if you have finished your school work." I walked to the basement. Owen was sitting on top of the drying machine helping my mom wash clothes. "Hi mom. Hey Owen."

"Hi Taylor. How did the meeting go?"

"It was fine." I said picking up some clothes to fold. "Ms. Bailey had no clue about the bullying. I told the principal to cancel the meeting with Sophia's mom. She wouldn't do anything anyway."

"That's a shame." She said shaking her head disapprovingly.

"I am trying to look at other options for Kayla. I can't keep her there. She is miserable and has so much potential to succeed."

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