Chapter 18 - We are Family

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Taylor's POV

Owen and I walked Kayla to the bus stop again this morning and waved goodbye. I carried Owen home and got him dressed for the day. I wasn't prepared for Kayla's project last night. I am bringing Owen with me to my Mom's house for lunch. Hopefully she can tell me what to do.

My mom prepared my favorite lasagna for lunch. We discussed the project over dessert. Austin was home so he went to play with Owen.

"Mom, Kayla has this all about her project for school. She needs to make a poster that contains talking points for family day."

"That's great!"

"Yeah well part of the project is bringing in your family members to talk about her and things you like to do with her. Can you, Dad and Austin come?"

"We would love to. Is there anything we need bring?"

"No, but I do need some other help. She is supposed to draw a family tree. I explained how it works, but uh... well everyone is on it except for-"

"Her dad. She noticed that she is missing a spot on the tree for a Dad." My mom said finishing my sentence.

"Yeah." I whispered. "What do I tell her? She is five for goodness sakes. I don't think I can get myself to tell her the whole truth. I can't even come to terms with the entire truth. Everything that happened that year was a blur. Between trying to stay on tour and everything else"

"Taylor, how long do you plan on waiting? Kayla will always be your little girl and you'll never think she's ready to hear it. She's curious and I think she would rather hear it from you rather than someone she doesn't know. She needs to know. I think you should tell her tonight when you work on the project some more."

"I don't even know where I would start."

"Explain in simple terms. Nothing to complicated. Tell her the truth and tell her that you love her and Owen so much. Nothing will change that.

"Okay. I can do this. Thanks."

"No worries. I'll make sure Dad and Austin come to Kayla's family day."

I went down to the basement to get Owen. He was asleep on Austin's lap.

"Austin, Owen and I have to go." I told my brother.

"Come back soon. This little man is my new football watching buddy."

"We will see you later, yeah?"

"Sure. I'm home tomorrow and a few days next week."

"Great, I'll see you then."

I carried Owen upstairs and grabbed my purse. I stopped to speak with my mom on the way out.

"I almost forgot to ask you something. Can you watch Owen tomorrow and pick up Kayla from school? I am going out with a few friends."

"Yeah, I can do that. What time?"

"3:30. You are the best. I love you. See you soon." I called as I headed out to my car.

We arrived in the school parking lot ten minutes after school let out. Almost all of the othe kids had left. Kayla was sitting on the sidewalk with her backpack in her lap, staring at the ground. I pulled up to the curb and she climbed in. "Hi sweetheart, I'm sorry I am late. I was at Grandma's with Owen. Tomorrow she will pick you up from school because I am going out. What's wrong?" I asked when she didn't say anything.

"Nothing. I'm just tired. I want to watch a movie tonight."

"We can do that as long as you finish your project. You need to be in bed by 8:30 on school nights."

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