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Dear Professor Layton

It's been a while since we said good-bye. How have you been?

As for me, I'm all settled in and making new friends.

I'm writing to you because something deeply puzzling has happened here recently.

It seems like the sort of mystery that's tailor made for Professor Layton and his apprentice!
I don't think anyone else could get to the bottom of it.

I've enclosed a document with this letter that will tell you more about the situation.

I can't wait to start this new adventure with you! Please write back as soon as you get this letter!

Your friend and apprentice

Professor Layton chuckled as he read Luke's puzzle. He solved it with ease, before reading the documents. Then, he began to write:

Luke, my dear boy

I hope you are well. As for me, I'm good.
I have read your documents and I will come by train straight away. I will be taking Flora with me. You know what she'll be like if we'd leave her out again.

It will be a pleasure to see you again.

Your mentor and

The Professor looked up and smiled


Hershel Layton

Professor Layton and the mysterious disappearancesWhere stories live. Discover now