Chapter 7: An old nemesis

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All of them had walked through the door, and entered the room. The room was full of control pads and fancy buttons. No doubt, this is where the evil was. The only thing, he wasn't.

"He has to be here!", called Dr. Schrader.

Everyone nodded in agreement, whispering.

"He is."

Suddenly, there was silence. All eyes were on Layton, who had said it.

"He is here", he repeated, "he is in fact, one of us."

Every single eye in the whole room widened.

"Spit it out! Who is it!", cried Luke.

"Isn't it obvious?" Professor Layton scratched his chin. "The master mind behind this all.......

is you."
His finger pointed to Luke Triton.

"What?", came Flora's cry and several others were in the same state. Luke?

Luke himself looked shocked, but everyone could see the glint in his eyes. "I...Professor!", he said quietly.

Layton shook his head. "You couldn't tell your best friends apart. You knew which door to go through. You've been kidnapping these people, haven't you, Luke? Or...shall I say Paul?"

A frustrated scream, and a mask lay forgotten on the floor. In front of everyone stood Don Paolo. "LLLLLLLLLLLAYTON!"

The Professor smiled, but he looked concerned. "Where's Luke?"

"Ha! Don't worry. I have him right here."

"And...what's this all about, Paul? I thought this enemy thing was over."

"Pah! Never! Never since you let Claire return to her time."

The Professor suddenly looked crestfallen. "C-Claire?"

"I kidnapped all your and that monkey Luke's close people to make you come here. It's time for revenge."

He pressed a button, and out of the floor came a chair, and on it, tied to it with a rope, was Claire. She struggled and kicked. Her mouth was covered with a cloth, but she still managed to yell quite loud.

"How is this possible...?", whispered Professor Layton.

"She never managed to get back to her old time", said Don Paolo, "The time machine was broken, preventing her from going back. And revenge."

The Professor's brain worked fast. "I know a way out of here", he whispered, "listen carefully..."


There's no puzzle of the chapter, because no one's solved the last one yet. So go solve it!!!!

Professor Layton and the mysterious disappearancesWhere stories live. Discover now