Chapter 2: A woman with a red bow tie

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"Emmy?", gasped Luke, "I thought you had left for good!"

Emmy smiled as she patted Luke's head absentmindedly.

"Go on!", begged Luke, "Why are you here?"

"I thought I might find you two here. I knew you'd be on the case. I can help you." Emmy looked at the Professor.

Professor Layton gazed at her. "Emmy, it's been so long..."

"I know, Professor. But we have no time to lose."

Layton thought. Then, he nodded. "Lead the way."

Luke and Layton followed Emmy out of the house.

"Where are we going Emmy?"

"Be patient, Luke. I see you're still as eager as ever."


"No buts. Come on now."

Emmy walked with a spring to get step. Finally, they stood in front of a door.
"Here", she said, "the shopkeeper should be able to tell you some things."

"Wait", Professor Layton told Luke, who withdrew his hand from the doorknob. "First, Emmy, why are you here?"

Emmy sighed. "I'm not getting out of this, am I? I'd better start from the beginning. Let's sit on this bench."

And when they had seated themselves, she began:

"As soon as I left you that day, after discovering the truth behind the Azran Legacy, part of me wished I never went. But I had to. You wouldn't understand. I had several of my own little adventures- but that's a story for another time. I heard about the disappearances, I did some research and I found out you were living here, Luke. I knew you'd investigate, you two. Then, I read about Dr.Schrader in the newspaper today. I decided to come round, to help you. But enough of me. What have you been up to?"

Luke launched into their stories. He told Emmy about St.Mystere, Pandora's Box and the "Future London".
Emmy listened quietly. As he finished, she laughed. "Seems like The Professor Layton and his assistant have been up to lots!"

"Apprentice! I'm his apprentice!", scowled Luke.

"Still going on about that are you? Anyway, we should go to the shop now."

The shop was a little fish shop, with the writing Paddy's Goldfishes on it. Luke, exited by the idea of goldfishes, opened the door. Inside were hundreds of tanks, with little fishes swimming in it. Luke touched the glass of one.

"Hi, fishes!"

"Hey, what are you doing?" An old man limped closer, shooing him away. "What do you want?"

Professor Layton stepped next to a startled Luke and put his hand on his apprentice's shoulder. "We're here to ask you about the disappearances."

Suspiciously, the man asked: "Why?"

"Because we want to get to the bottom of it."

The old man, Paddy, hesitated. Then, he told them to follow them to the back room. "I'll tell you everything I know."

Puzzle of the chapter:
So, the answer to the last puzzle iiis...13!!!

Puzzle Number 002:

I'm the beginning of the End,
I'm both in Enemy and Friend.
I'm neither in Dark or Light,
I'm in Peace but not in Fight.
What am I?

Professor Layton and the mysterious disappearancesWhere stories live. Discover now