Chapter 5: Locks and Puzzles

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Luke exclaimed loudly: "Wow! This place is huge!"

Professor Layton chuckled to himself. He walked ahead with his long stride, Emmy Altava right next to her and Luke tagging behind. The floorboards creaked loudly and a chandelier swinged dangerously above them.

"I guess they'll be puzzles, Professor?"

"I'm almost certain of it, my dear boy."

They reached the door. A map was on the door.

"Looks like it's the first puzzle"

Puzzle Nr. 005
This picture indicates a room with no light. You can't see anything. The circles are poles, the star is a trapdoor. How do you get to the trapdoor, assuming you can't see anything?

Professor Layton easily showed Luke and Emmy the right way. They stepped into the room. The door clicked behind them. Complete darkness. But thanks to the map, they easlily found the trapdoor and climbed down. Yet another door- no three doors awaited them.

Puzzle Nr. 006

There are three doors and a 'G' in front of one door. Which door do you go through?

(Anwser is below!)

"I've got it!", called Luke, "The 'G' is an arrow pointing to this door! Let's go!"

"Well done, Luke", said Emmy.

The three, Professor Layton, his apprentice and former assistant headed towards the door. It easily swung open and allowed them to pass through without futher notice.

Puzzles after puzzles were in their way, locks after locks. Finally, they reached the funal puzzle.

Type in the exact amount of jellybeans.

Luke spotted a jar filled to the brim with colourfull, bean-shaped sweets: Jellybeans. He carefully studied the jar, wondering if it was a trick question. But it couldn't be, could it? He and his mentor began to count quietly, adding them together.

Emmy, impatient and bored, sighed loudly and struck her hand out, knocking the jar to the floor with a brisk movement. The jar shattered into a million pieces.

"Emmy!", yelled Luke, "We nearly had it!"

Ignoring the boy, Emmy walked to the buttons and typed in: "0".

The letter turned green and the door clicked, allowing them to enter.

Hershel Layton smiled. "Let's go rescue your friends, Luke"

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