Chapter 9: The found future

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"Thank you, Hershel"
Everyone was drinking tea in the Triton's house. But Claire had pulled Professor Layton aside and had thanked him.
Layton straightened his hat. "It's what a gentleman does."
Claire laughed quietly. "Still the same, I see."
The Professor smiled. "But how..."
"You heard Paul. The time machine doesn't work anymore. I'm stuck in your time forever.", she smiled, "not that it's a bad thing..."
Professor Layton felt like a weight as been lifted from his heart. "That's wonderful!", he blushed slightly, "I..I never forgot you."
"I'm glad", said Claire in her soft voice, "You remembered and our...Found future."

She kissed him lightly on the cheek and then she opened the door and went down for tea. The Professor followed her.

"Professor! Professor!", Luke called happily.

"Yes, my boy?"

"We're coming back to London! We're only here for a few months! Soon I'll be back in London and we can solve loads more mysteries together!", he smiled broadly.

Layton smiled. Today everything was going well. The mystery was solved. Luke was coming back to London. He had found his future with Claire.

No puzzle because I can't think of one XD

Answer from the last chapter:
It was B! Because he couldn't know that someone had written on the wall!

Professor Layton and the mysterious disappearancesWhere stories live. Discover now