Chapter 4: The tower

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Professor Layton looked around, unsurprised. "How do you know he didn't just go out, Luke?"

" 'Cause of this note, Professor!"

He handed the Professor a note. He quickly flew over it with his eyes.

Stop meddling

That was it.

"We're not going to stop, are we Professor?"

"Oh no, my boy. Now, get some rest."

And as Luke trudged off, the Professor began to think.


The next day Emmy woke them all up, telling them it was time to go.

"Tell me Luke",said Layton, "Tell me everyone that disappeared."

"Hmmm",thought Luke, ", Sven, Charles, Clive, Flora, Dr. Schrader, My teacher Mr. Ginger and...that's it."

"No one else?"


Luke could tell the Professor's intuition was working again.

"Professor, do you know what's going on here?"

"I have a hunch."
He said no more, and neither Emmy or Luke dared to ask.
They followed the footprints, which were still there, all the way to a big tower. Luke gasped as he looked up. "Wow...."

"Let's go in", said the Professor. And they did.

Puzzle of the chapter:
The answer of the previous puzzle was:....B!

Puzzle 004:

You start up your computer and see you've got an e-mail from your friend. As you open it, you see a mysterious bunch of letters and numbers. What does the message mean?
(Here is the message:)

3W d73H

Professor Layton and the mysterious disappearancesWhere stories live. Discover now