Chapter 18 - There's A Grief That Can't Be Spoken

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1 month later

Elle's POV:
Since I was pretty close to Claire, she was put in my custody. I was getting really worried about her though. She has barely left her room since the incident.

I tried to get her to come out for meals but she wouldn't so eventually I gave up and gave them to her in her room.

She refused to go to school so I started homeschooling her for the time being. She was mostly working through a few workbooks but also took some pre recorded classes online.

The only time I would see her is for meals and when I hand her the schoolbooks for the day. Even with that, she barely talks to me. It's like she's gone mute.

I went over to her room to give her some lunch. I came in and once again she looked thinner than before.

"Answer me truthfully. Have you been eating?" I asked Claire and she shrugged. "Sweetie, you've got to eat, ok?" She nodded and I gave her a hug. She was stiff at first but then quickly melted into the embrace.

"I miss mama." Claire whispered.

"I know you do. We all miss her. But she would want you to stay strong. How about you come to the theatre with me today?" Claire had a worked look to her face so I said, "You can just stay in my dressing room the whole time and you don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want."

She hesitantly nodded and quietly said, "I'll come I guess."

I smiled. This was her first time going somewhere outside my apartment or Jess' apartment.
We got to the theatre and a few people noticed Claire right away. They tried to talk to her but Claire just went right past them up to my dressing room.

"Sorry guys," I said. "I finally convinced her to at least come to the theatre at least but she still doesn't want to talk to anyone."

Luckily the cast was understanding and I followed Claire up to my dressing room.

I saw Alice already in there, putting her makeup on, and she said, "Oh, hi Elle! I'm glad my little Clea could join us today."

I'm pretty sure I heard Claire giggle a bit.

"What's wrong with the nickname? You don't like it?" Alice asked.

Claire shook her head and quietly said, "Its fine, just Im not used to it."

I smiled. I'm glad Claire's talking to someone other than me.

Claire reached into her backpack and grabbed the stuffed koala Jess gave her. She'd been carrying that almost everywhere since the incident.

I went over to my station and put my makeup on while Claire drew for a bit.

Eventually I had to go onstage so I went out with Alice.

"Thank you for today." I told her as we were walking to the stage. "You're the first one Claire's talked to other than me since what happened with Jess."

She gave me a smile in reply since we had to be quiet and we walked onto the stage and did the show.

A/N: Here you go. Expect some more sad stuff.

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