Chapter Twenty

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"You are the most beautiful delicacy.

Grendel's words repeated in my head as we kissed. His lips, demanding yet gentle, coaxed me from the inner prison crafted by my deformity and imperfections. His touch sped my heart and made my body tingle in places that had not felt like that before.

"This will not do," he gasped for air and wrapped his arms around me before whisking me into the shadows. His way of traveling grew on me.

"Good, you've brought me back to my senses," I said as I broke free from his heated touch. We stood in the middle of a massive room. It had to be at least twice the size of my old home in Dovre. A great fur-covered bed sat in the center adorned with wilted flower petals and unlit candles that collected dust.

"We can't yet. I'm filthy," I protested while shaking the dirt and leaves from my trousers.

"Then I shall draw you a bath."

He snapped his finger, propelling a gust of magic throughout the room. The candles burned bright while the wilted petals upon the furs changed back to healthy blossoms. His magic lit the connected hallway leading to our shared hot spring. Soapnuts bobbled in the steamy waters. Lilly flowers drifted on the surface. I gasped as Grendel stripped his shirt. My fingers flew to cover my eyes before he removed the bottom half of his attire.

"You didn't say we'd bathe together."

He countered, "And you did not say we'd bathe alone. I, too, wish to clean my body before sex." A light splash followed after he spoke.

"Well?" He waited.


I removed my tunic first, then threatened him, "But you will not scrub me. That much I can handle on my own." Knowing myself, I'd give in to temptation before reaching our bed. No response. I looked at Grendel, who barely emerged from the water. I removed my linen undergarments from my shoulder. He shook the water from his hair.


I tossed the trousers at his face before quickly sliding into the simmering pool to defeat his prying gaze. I let out a relieved sigh as I submerged myself deeper. "Oi!" I flicked a soapnut in Grendel's direction after feeling his tail graze my ankle.

"No touching."

"That's kind of hard to do with two bodies in one pool," he said while lathering his arms and dodging the second flying soapnut. "Nobody told you to join me," he added before he splashed me with his tail. I grabbed it and pulled, dragging him under the water. It was far more peaceful with him under the surface. He reemerged from the water in front of me with hair as green as river moss.

"You've made a grave mistake."

"Have I?" I chortled while I combed through my damp hair with my fingers. He swam closer but stopped when I stretched my foot to block him. "Wait, wait, wait," I said after he flashed his sharp smile. Whatever he had planned in that thick head of his was bound to result in our lips touching. He returned the favor by grabbing my ankles and pulling me off the high step towards the deepest center of the hot spring until I straddled him. His other hand rested on my lower back as he teased, "See. Now, there's plenty of room for the two of us."

"You monster," I said sweetly before kissing him.

"If at any moment you feel uncomfortable, please tell me," he hesitated before lowering me onto the bed. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Grendel eyed me for any sign of reluctance as he put distance between our bodies. The reigns were in my hands, and it was up to me to determine where I wanted to go. I crossed my legs behind his back, holding him in place.

"I want you. All of you."

"As you wish," he smiled before he lowered himself over me.

Grendel kissed the trail of freckles down to my chest. His tongue circled my stiff nipples, and his finger grazed my lower lips. He carefully rubbed me in circular motions without scratching my skin with the tips of his claws. My innards lurched from the exciting pleasure, and my cheeks warmed. An untamable heat spread through my body as he stroked me.

Muscles spasmed and contracted, releasing the pleasure that finally tamed the inner fire. My body throbbed. Grendel's caress slowed when the wetness between my legs escaped my lips.

"There are hardly enough words to describe how much I adore you," he said softly, touching the tip of his erection to my womanhood. I lifted my hands to his cheeks, bringing his lips to mine.

"Then show me."

Grendel moved like waves upon a sandy shore, filling every crevice of my cave with his entirety. My walls tensed from the size of him in the beginning, but his steady strides eased the pressure. His grunts harmonized with our pounding bodies. My delighted cries pushed him to venture deeper and thrust harder. Together, we melded into one body. Only the gods know why I waited so long. If I knew it would be that enjoyable, I would have given myself to him in the cave much sooner.

"Say my name," he ordered between thrusts. The familiar build-up of inner tension before cumming sent chills over my arms.


"No, not that one. My name."

Sweat droplets trickled down his forehead to my belly. His name. Not Grendel, but his true name. I heard it once as a faint voice in my head when we watched our handprints illuminate the grand entrance on our wedding night. His name escaped through my lips as a breathless whisper. The power I held was immeasurable. I came once more, and Grendel pulled out to finish himself on my stomach while I panted from my toe-curling ending.

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