Chapter Twenty-Three

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Grendel's POV

"Did you hear that?"

Sigrid sat up quickly. Dried oak leaves descended from her back. I pulled out a twig from her curls. "The sound of our hearts?" She shook her head, and I plucked another entrapped leaf from her hair.

"Then what?"

"Like howling?"

Her expression begged me to confirm the sounds, but I heard nothing but the shuffling of her skirts over crinkling leaves.

"There are packs on the outside of the mountain," I told her without dismissing her. "But we do not have wolves within."

Sigrid deflated onto my lap, murmuring, "I must be too tired." Rightfully so. We barely slept for the last few days. I rested my hand on the top of her head and lightly rubbed her scalp. Sigrid fell asleep with steady breaths and, later, decorated my trousers with drool spots. I smiled, remembering the last time she seemed so wholesome.

Her locks blanketed my thighs and cascaded onto the forest floor. Dried oak leaves and pine needles adorned her hair. Misshapen lights that escaped the trees above dotted her curves and side rolls. The folds of her skirt occasionally lifted as she moved her legs. She was serenity incarnate, and hardly human.

A war with the Frost Fairies would tarnish our recent accomplishments. The most unfortunate victim of it all slept in my lap, unaware of the suffering caused by prolonged warfare. Mother endured the pain of solitude for years. She woke up every morning hoping she would not have to prepare funerary arrangements for Father and his men. She laid awake on her bed for nights on end because she feared sleeping through the death toll announcements. Many warriors died, and every single certificate had her signature. That will not happen to Sigrid.

I pressed my hands into the dirt with closed eyes. The forest surrounding Montver rested peacefully, like Sigrid. A mother bear scavenged with her cubs. The black bundles of fur wobbled and rolled among the lower berry bushes. Few Roe Deer idly grazed on wild grass. Empty birch branches filtered natural sunlight, and sparkling dust danced in the glowing rays.

Still, there were no signs of roaming wolves.

'Sabre, update the outer patrol. I want them to report any wolf sighting at once.'

'Aye,' her voice replied in my ears.

'Sigrid and I are to remain unbothered until further notice.'

"Grendel?!" Sigrid snapped me into consciousness. She shook me lightly. Her dirtied veil laid loosely over her face, barely covering her head. "His Majesty! His Majesty?!" voices rang. She adjusted it in time before the two patrolling soldiers arrived. "There's been another attack!" Calyr and Jugg announced in unison while saluting to both of us.

"Where?" Sigrid demanded.

"Geriset, Her Majesty."

'It's about time. We've got the whole damn war room waiting for your direction!' Sabre chastised in my head. We had little knowledge of whether or not this was Ivar's doing. Sabre explained, ′Twelve soldiers are in critical condition. The Queen's siblings were taken captive. Her grandmother remains at Geriset′

"It had to be Ivar," I concluded.

Average Frost Fey were too weak in combat without their frozen environment. Those of nobility and higher ranks managed without needing to fight on an icy battleground. Sigrid's shoulders collapsed under the weight of her despair. Her clenched fists trembled.

A Queen Named VictoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang