Chapter Thirty

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Grendel and I lounged in our thrones while nobles bickered over what to do with Tolkniat. Half of the court wanted us to conquer Deinoth's kingdom, and the other half wanted to stay in isolation. They had the nerve to bring up the issue with Tolkniat's former princess sitting among them.

"This has gone on for long enough," I sighed. "Tolkniat is in shambles. There are not enough valid reasons to conquer the land when we already have enough problems that need solving in Montver."

"Respectfully, this is the best time to strike," Count Ardu argued. "Tolkniat possesses fertile lands and access to the western side of the Frost Fairy Kingdom."

"You know, as well as I, that Tolkniat would rather burn than accept our blessed Queen Sigrid. They're a disgrace!" argued another noble. "Let us expand in the southwestern lands occupied by the humans."

Taking Tolkniat would be an easy feat, with their upper classes on the brink of collapse. Deinoth's followers were headstrong and stupid. They kept all their attention on avenging their former king. While they wasted their efforts, the Katikar family tried claiming the throne while their opposing family, the Jartiks, gained power over the courts. Both clashed and maimed each other in their holy halls. All the while, the lower classes suffered from famine.

"You're oddly quiet," I said aside to Grendel.

He nodded but kept his opinion to himself. In truth, both sides made decent points. Tolkniat's common folk suffered at the hands of greedy nobles. They gained the most if we conquered their unstable nobility. We both were Dimikyr nations, so the base of their traditions was similar enough to create a smooth transition and exchange of civilians. However, their patriarchal culture would create conflict.

"What makes you confident that the people of Tolkniat would allow a woman to hold equal power as a King?" I asked Ardu. Those in the room knew that the likelihood of changing generations of Tolkniat beliefs was little to none.

"You would be their queen," Grendel corrected. "And they will have no other choice but to abide. That is the reality of being conquered."

"We're fighting against a culture that has spanned over generations," I countered. "We can't behead every Tolkniat citizen for disobeying our way of life." I would go from being their queen to a tyrant.

"May I offer some knowledge on the matter?" Ochre squeaked.

Women outnumbered the men in Tolkniat. Most of which suffered under their oppressive leadership. The odds shifted in our favor. "Only the nobility can afford to escape their prison of a home. Common women do not have that luxury," she explained. What started as a debate on conquest turned into a movement of rescuing Tolkniat from its oppressive reign. In truth, it sounded more like a sweetened way of saying we were going to conquer Tolkniat. The bells chimed, marking the end of the war session. Grendel leaned back on his throne and ended the meeting with, "I will further delegate with Queen Sigrid."

Ochre rose from her floor cushion abruptly as she blurted, "H-her Majesty, may I?"

"Huh? Uh, yes?"

Ochre tweedled her thumb with her fingers. The last time she entered this room, she was publicly humiliated and shamed by her father. We all patiently waited for her request. She clenched her hands.

"I-I would l-like to propose a marriage arrangement w-with the leading general: Sabre, Daughter of Cariko, and Her Majesty's most decorated guard." She looked at the shocked general with a pleading face, adding, "If you'll have me. A-and if you approve, Her Majesty!"

Sabre gawked in utter shock. Even I did not know she could make a face like that. She usually remained close-lipped and stern. Grendel looked at me with a smug smile, saying: I told you so. Meanwhile, Ochre anxiously awaited my answer. The entire room waited. It had been over a month since the last public marriage request. Tolkniat's attack, the growing Frost Fairy problem, and the sudden arrival of the warrior women distracted us all, making marriage the last of our concerns.

"Ochre, my elected court mage," I began. Then paused for the dramatic effect. Ochre knew better than to assume my opposition. What kind of friend would I be to hold her back from happiness? I had my fairytale ending, so should she.

"You need not ask, for I approve. This is a blessed union."

"Bring out the wine!" Grendel commanded.

Nobles, servants, and soldiers congratulated the pair. I saw Sabre's entire face flush red the first time. She revealed a softer side to her while Ochre presented herself with more confidence than ever before. My pride for the two swelled.

"I believe I was right," Grendel spoke as he leaned onto the arm of my throne.

"Is this your way of haggling for your reward?"

"I already had something in mind," he assured.

Grendel and I stayed behind as the last of the drunken guards left the hall. This time we were eager to be alone at last. "What exactly did you have in mind?" I asked despite already knowing the answer. He remained silent as he removed the veil from my head.


"I have a better use for this," he said. He folded it before covering my eyes and tying the fabric behind my head. He avoided snagging my collection of bundled braids with decorative jewel flowers. Grendel thrived best in dramatic agony. He preferred teasing before satisfying me, and that made the climax all the more pleasurable.

"This is a bit sacrilegious, is it not?" I pondered to end the silence.

"The ones who would care are all dead." His fingers grazed my shoulders as he untethered my straps from the bronze brooches holding my top. "Think of it as marking our place on the throne." He took his time disrobing me, and I savored the wild shivers that rose after his touch. It was unbelievably unfair. I cleared my throat, then asked, "And if someone comes in?" My body sensed his magic traveling over the doors to the hall, clicking the locks shut. Nobody would interrupt us.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"When are you going to fuck me?"

His answers ended there. Instead, Grendel's tongue explored my mouth while his hands traveled along my skin. He cupped my breasts in his hands as we traded suffocating kisses. He made sure not to give me enough time to badger him with questions or distractions.

He roamed my neck until he found the right spot to leave a kiss. The warmth and sucking turned into piercing pressure and stinging as his sharp teeth ripped into flesh. I bit my tongue to stifle my moan while he wiped the blood. "Again, how is this your reward?" I asked as he twirled wet circles around my hardened nipples. If anything, it felt like I won our little wager.

"There are steps for a reason. Hold this," he ordered while hoisting my skirt layers into my arms. The air chilled my uncovered skin. The blindfold exhilarated me and his titillating touch raised goosebumps on my skin. His scent of freshly applied lavender oil consumed my racing thoughts.

My body begged him to mark me again.

Grendel parted my legs, and I held my breath. Though, I gasped when I felt the warmth of his tongue rather than his erection. Muscles clenched at the light pressure. My stomach joyfully reeled, bringing me closer to climax. My hands clenched the skirt layers, and my thighs tightened against his head. He sucked me harder, sending waves of warm tremors through my body.

He pulled away from my body, leaving me burning and wet. That was his reward: the pleasure of torment by edging. "It has only begun," he insisted with hints of excitement. Vibrant spasms rolled through my body as he entered me in one easy slide.

Finally, he collected his reward.

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