Wolf Moon 1

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It was past 9 pm when I decided to do my night routine. I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath. Once I'm done I immediately put my panjamas as I play my favorite mix tape.

I lay in my bed, feeling every lyrics and beat of the music. A loud sound came from my window. I immediately stood up and grab my golf club beside my study table. I tried to walk slowly to my window, trying my best not to make any noise.

My heart almost fell when I saw my best friend Scott and my cousin Stiles. They both wave at me. I rolled my eyes as I open the window.

"What in God's name do you think your doing this time?" I ask both of them. Stiles push me slightly so he can get inside my room.

"Well you weren't answering your phone so we decided to come over and check you instead." Stiles said. He stare at my right hand. "Why do you have a Golf club anyway? You don't even know how to play Golf."

Scott Is just seating on my bed, I throw the Golf club in the other side of the room.

"We know it's really late and we also  think that you wanted to hear this." Scott said. I frowned. I sit on my gaming chair near my bed and cross my arms. I stare at them.

"Alright so, I saw Dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department and even state Police." Stiles said.

"For what?"

"Two joggers found a body in the woods." Scott added. I'm still speechless. "Dead body?" I ask out of curiosty.

"No a body of water... Yes dumb-ass a Dead body." Stiles said with a sarcasm tone, looking so pissed.

"So it was a murdered?" I ask and gave them a clueless face. Scott shrug his shoulders before answering. "No body knows yet. Just it was a girl, probably in her 20s."

"Look I don't understand, if they already found the body what are they looking for? The killer?" I ask confusingly.

"Nope and that's the best part. They only found... half. Half of the body." With that my jaw literally drop. I bite my nails and took my gaze outside of my window.

"We're going." Stiles said as he pulled my arm and immediately push me inside of my walking closet.

I didn't have a choice and I also want to come with them so I just so I just change into a something much more comfortable.

When I came out of my closet they both stood up taking there way on my window, probably to sneak out again but I pulled the back of there jacket.

"Use the stairs, front door. My parents isn't around anymore." I said in a duh tone.

I live alone in this big ass house, my parents always pay me a visit once a month but I could say there mind is still at work. There both doctors, well I don't understand the fact why they still need to work miles away when there some hospital too in Beacon hills. Weirdos.

Once we get outside, I sat at the back of Stiles Jeep. He immediately drove  towards the Beacon hills Preserve where the body was found. Stiles pulled up infront of the sign that says 'No Entry after Dark' and turned of the jeep.

I grab my flashlight after i got out . Stiles is wearing his goofy grin while Scott seems pretty excited.

"We're seriously doing this?" I ask while putting on the hood of my jacket.

"Well you're the one  always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles said, beaming of the light into the trees as we all came up together infront of Stile's jeep just to stare the pure Darkness.

"I'm starting to think that this is going to be a complete disaster." I said.

"I was trying to get some good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." Scott said. I gave him a low-key smirk "Right." I said.

"Why? Because sitting on the Bench is such a grueling effort." Stile's added.

Scott put his left arm around my shoulders. "Infact, I'm making first line."

"Hey that's the spirit!" I said. "Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles said as we both laughed while Scott gives us a death stare.

"Just out of curiosity but which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott ask. I also waited for some Answers from Stiles but instead, he chuckled.

"Huh!--- I don't even think about that." He said. I rolled my eyes, removing Scott arms around my shoulders and walk past through them.

"And what if the killer is still out there, what are we gonna do?" I ask waiting for them to catch up.

Stiles nodded as he pinch my cheeks "Also something that I didn't bother to think about."

"I'm glad your so we'll prepared." I said as I climb the dirt hill next to Stiles. The dirt started to drill over my shoes,I started to sweep it off but of course It didn't work.

Scott just Push me so I decided to lay down too. Scott began to wheeze, I immediately hold his flashlight as he search for his Inhaler.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic  should be the one holding the flashlight huh?!" Scott said as he shake his inhaler.

Once he felt a little bit better, I guided him. Infront of us, there were multiple Police with some guard dog. There light is dancing in every Corner of the dark trees.

Stiles give me a smirk and he started to chase them secretly. My mouth open a bit. Shock because this idiot is trying to get all of us in trouble. I pulled Scott in his collar and chase Stiles.

"Stiles, why are we going to them? If we get caught were dead." Scott tried to shout, but of course not that loud. Stiles didn't bother to listen as he kept going.

"Your cousin will be the death of me." Scott said. I laugh and nodded. "I know. Let's keep moving McCall."

Suddenly black dog cover up On my way, I pushed Scott to the nearest tree so he couldn't get caught. I close my eyes as I pray not get into too much trouble.

"Hang on! Hang on! This two little delinquent belongs to me." Sheriff Stiinski said. He move his flashlight from his son to me. I smile awkwardly and wave my hand. On the other hand, Stiles is bitting his lower lip.

"Hey Uncle. How are you?" I ask casually. He smiled at me and tap my shoulders. "So I assume this gentleman right here pursue you to come here." Uncle said (Sheriff Stiinski)

Stiles look at me with a wide eyes open. "What? No no. I voluntary come. He didn't do anything I swear."

"So, do you, uh listen in to all of my calls?" Uncle (Sheriff Stiinski) ask to his son.

"No." Stiles chuckled, his voice is higher than usual, probably because his so damn  nervous.

"Where's your other partner in crime?"

"Who? Scott?! His home." Stiles panted, his not really good at lying.

"Scott?!" Uncle (Sheriff Stiinski) shout as he flash his flashlight on the tree.

"His telling the truth uncle, it's just the two of us. Scott said that he wanted to have a good night sleep because tomorrow is our first day back at school." I said trying to sound So sweet.

He let a loud sigh. "Well you two, I'm gonna walk you guys back to your car and please for my sake, go straight home." Sheriff said. "And I'm gonna have a private conversation with you sir."

Just like what Uncle (Sheriff Stiinski) said, he accompany us back to Stiles Jeep. We apologize for our foolishness of course before living.

Once I get home I went straight to bed. I grab my phone on my side table and text Scott if he already got home.

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