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The next day, I woke up really really early. The three of us decided not to call the police that evening, we'll first reason they're going to question us why were roaming around in the middle of the night in the forest. Second thing is that they already declare a curfew so if they knew about that as well, are ass will be dead too.

A lot of NBI agents and Police are in here right now. Probably because they're trying to secure the whole area and to examine about the murder. If it's really a murder.. I don't know.

Me and Scott were standing behind Stiles jeep. We watch Derek came out from the house. His both hands are handcuffs already and being escorted to the police car.

Before he enter, he took his eyes in us. Me and Scott both look down, guiltiness is in our faces. Derek gave us a smirk.

As he enter the car, Scott slightly pinch my right arm. He pointed out Stiles who's walking through the police car where Derek is being held.

Our eyes automatically became wide when we saw Stiles entered the car as well.
Scott turn around as he put his hand through his mouth while me, I'm trying to pray for the safeness of my poor cousin.

I sit into the hood of Stiles jeep when someone approach me. It was Uncle, Stiles Dad.

"Hey Uncle!" I greet. I tried to put my most sweet smile so he won't suspect a thing. Scott greeted him as well, he just nod at him and then face me.

"Where's Stiles?" He asked. I look over Scott who slowly turning his face up to the sky. I look back and saw Uncle waiting for my answer. I slowly point my finger to the car. Uncle let a Loud sigh as he tap my shoulder and walk to the car.

He pulled Stiles out of the Car. I saw them talk for a little while before Stiles decided to went back.

As soon as he approached us, I slap the back of his head. He seem so shock about it, he pouted his lips.

"That hurts. Anyway, we need to go. Dad doesn't want us here." He said as he hop to the driver's seat.

Me and Scott hop too. I'm sitting on the back while Scott is sitting in front.

I get my backpack and took out my iPad. I handed it to Scott as I ask him to search something about Wolfsbane.

"I can't find anything about Wolfsbane being used for burial." Scott said as he scroll all over the pages and documents.

"Just keep looking." Said Stiles. I took out my phone and tried to find something too.

"Maybe it's like a ritual or something." I said. Stiles look over at me at the mirror as he point back his eyes on the road.

"How? Like they bury you as a wolf? Or maybe it's like a special skill? Oh I know, maybe you need to master it too." Stiles said. I keep scrolling down to my phone but I still can't find anything.

"I'll put it on my to-do list. Right underneath, Figure out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight." Scott said. I glances at him, he look so tired and his voice doesn't seem to be okay.

I let the two talk while I continue to search for some answers in the internet when Scott started to high up his voice. Stiles look at me worriedly.

"Scott, are you okay?" I ask.

"No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay!" He hissed. His now starting to sweat while Stiles continue to lecture him.

"I can't breathe." Scott said. I immediately search his inhaler inside his backpack but unluckily, I can't find it.

"Stiles Pull Over." I said. He a questioning look. "Why? What's happening?" He asked.
Scott grab the bag from my hand. As soon as he opened it, he look at me angrily.

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