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'What's up?', You hear a familiar voice and look up to see Draco entering the common room and making his way to sit across from you. He flipped a green apple in the air, caught it and bit a large bite into it very loudly.

It was a bit late after the curfew. You were sitting alone in the empty common room, doing your homework.

You and Draco had been best friends since the first year. It was now the 4th year and you both had tiny mutual crushes that the other one knew about.

"Just finishing Trelawney's essay", You replied with a sigh.

"She literally gave us 3m of parchment.", Draco groaned. After a short while, he broke the silence in which the warm fire crackled, "Well, are you not going to ask me if I'm done with mine?"

"Draco, I can very confidently bet a 100 Galleons that you forced Crabbe or Goyle or a 2nd year to write it for you.", You finished, glancing up at him.

"You know me too well, y/n", He smiled at you but you pretended not to notice him.

"Are you not going to go sleep now?"

"Nah...I'm not tired."

After a minute or so he broke the silence yet again, "You know what, I'm bored actually.".

"So...", you said raising an eyebrow up at him.

"Nothing", he said quickly.

After another minute he spoke up again, "Hey y/n"

"What is it now, Draco?", now getting slightly irritated, "I need to finish this essay or I will regret it later"

"If you were a Dementor, I would become a criminal just to get your kiss.", He said with a tone of flirt in his voice.

"Oh please", You say in a tone of mockery, looking up.

"Wait- What? You didn't like that one? Hear me out", clearly throat and continues, "Did you survive the killing curse? Because you are drop-dead gorgeous."

You are laughing when he comes at it again, "Your smile is like Expelliarmus...simple but disarming.

"A classic one this time, ready? Are you a Snitch? Because you are the finest catch here." He winks at you.

After you finally stop laughing, you ask him, "Where did you get these cheesy pick-up lines, huh?"

"Never mind that, because it may not be the Charms period, but you're still charming to me."

"Stoppp, Draco", you whine, "Stop distracting me. I told you I need to finish the essay already"

"Wait, here's another one, my love for you burns like a dying Phoenix.", he said and started acting as if he was hurt.

You slap his arm playfully and say, "You need to improve the standard of those pick-up lines, Mr. Malfoy. No one's ever going to fall for you if you continue with them", You smirk.

"Don't worry about that, l/n, I already know a girl who has fallen for me", he says returning the smirk and making you go a bit red.

You end up talking to Draco for an hour and then going to bed, knowing perfectly well that the next morning, you would be regretting not finishing your Divination essay which was due the same day. 

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