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I have had a crush on Draco since first year. We were just friends. He never seemed to show any interest in me, or so I thought.

It was now my last day at Hogwarts, I would be heading back home tomorrow. I had finished school. Time had gone by so fast that I couldn't even take all of it in. I was, of course, going to miss this place. All the feasts, classes, professors. All of it, even Peeves and Moaning Myrtle. After all, it had been my home for all these years, perhaps for the ones to come too.

I lay there, in the evening sun, beside the Black Lake. Thinking about all the memories; especially the one when Draco hurt himself when trying to encounter Buckbeak, I smiled to myself. Then the thought that had been bugging me for the past few months returned. Draco would soon be married to Astoria Greengrass. Not that he wished to marry her, but he was forced. He had to marry a Pureblood, and that too, soon.

I shook my head to get that thought out of head and stood up. As I looked around, I spotted a tree. Not that it had just sprouted itself there at the exact moment, but I had an idea. I walked up to the tree and took my wand out. I flicked it and the words appeared.

"I love you Draco Malfoy" I wrote and signed underneath it. I smiled weakly to myself, looking at what I had just engraved there, forever. I wanted it to be a sign, that he would always own a place in my heart, though we couldn't be together.

I put the wand back where it belonged, in the robe's pocket. I gazed in the distance. Suddenly, I came back and realized I had zoned out. I turned around to back into the castle, it was getting dark which meant the feast would soon start.

3 years later...

I had decided upon going to Hogwarts today. I had been feeling an odd sense of nostalgia from the past few weeks. Professors there said that I was always welcome there even after I had completed school. I sat in an empty cabin on the Hogwarts Express. I thought it would be better to travel by the train, the old-fashioned way, rather than just simply apparating. I got off the train and went up to the castle. After meeting all the professors and staff, I went to the black lake. As I was strolling, I saw a familiar tree, and I was suddenly flooded by memories.

I went up to the tree to have a closer look at it, that's when I saw what I had engraved three years ago. After a moment, something else caught my eye. I moved my eyes to look at it and saw something engraved there, something that...I hadn't carved. It read "I love you too y/n l/n" and underneath it, was a sign. A sign that I recognized as...Draco's. Tears welled up in my eyes as I moved my fingers over his engraving. The carvings were not as dark as mine, which clearly meant that he had been here not long ago. I spent the rest of the day beside the Black lake, where all sorts of creatures lived. I was sitting against the tree, looking up ever so often at the engravings carved there by the two of us.

I got some inspiration for this story from a pin that I saw on Pinterest. So, I would like to give them some credit. Here is the link. https://pin.it/cs446oy 

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