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Y/n's POV

It was a cold evening. I was sitting beside the fire in the common room. The room was filled with quite chatter of the students.

Something had happened today between Harry and Draco which led to Draco ending up in the hospital wing. No one really knew what actually happened there but it was the new gossip topic.

I heard the familiar noise of the portrait opening and closing, and looked up to see professor Snape entering.

"Attention Students", he called out and everyone looked up from whatever they were doing, "As some of you may, or may not know about the feud that broke out between Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter. Mr. Malfoy ended up in the hospital with a serious injury and a major blood loss. I certainly believe that Mr. Malfoy would be very grateful indeed if one of you could donate some blood to him as he is in urgent need", he finished.

As I looked around the room, expecting to see any volunteers, the chatter had resumed. I was honestly quite surprised to Pansy Parkinson, continue talking as if nothing ever happened. That girl had a major crush on Draco and she couldn't even donate him some blood. As I moved my eyes around the room yet again, I saw Blaise Zabini talking to other Slytherins, not giving a care in the world.

I stood up and went to Professor Snape, to volunteer. Draco and I were just well-known acquaintances. Still, he needed help and his closest friends wouldn't even care to donate a single unit of blood for him. Absolutely ridiculous!

"I would like to help Draco, sir", I told Professor Snape.

"Very well. Follow me.", he replied curtly.

I followed him up to the hospital wing, a tiny bit nervous since I have never donated blood before.

"I assume you know his blood group?", he asked breaking the silence.

", sir", Snape gave me a questionable look and I quickly added, "But my blood group is O-, sir, I'm a universal donor." He didn't respond.

"Madam Pomfrey will help you from here on", he said as we reached the wing. He had only dropped me off himself because it was past curfew. He turned and made his way back down in the hallway.

I turned around and made my way inside. As soon as I entered, I saw a limp body lying on the farthest bed from the door. I rushed to the bed, trying to make as less of noise as possible. Draco lay there, sleeping. He had most probably been put a charm on, so that he could have some rest. I could see the bruises and sharp cuts that madam Pomfrey had decided to not cover. I thin, warm tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away when I heard someone coming out of the room in the corner, probably madam Pomfrey.

"Oh dear, have you come to donate blood to Mr. Malfoy?", she asked me worriedly, glancing at Draco.

"Yes", I replied.

"Well, I'm glad. He really is in need of blood right now. What is your blood group?"

"O-", I replied earnestly.

"Oh, that's nice. I hope you had a great meal?"

"Yes, I did"

"Well come on then, let's not waste a minute more", she said pointing to the bed next to Draco's, "You will have to spend the night here. You are a little young to donate blood. You may leave tomorrow, at brunch time. I nodded.

She pulled up the sleeves of my robe and put the tip of her wand on my arm to numb away the pain of the needle. She then, took a syringe and inserted its tip in my arm. After about 5 seconds she took it out. I started feeling drowsy and yawned. Madam Pomfrey put a bandage where she had poked the needle.

"There, its all done. I hope you have a good sleep", she said and turned away from my bed. I slid under the covers, and lay on the cold pillow. After 2 minutes, I dozed off.

The next morning...

I woke up to the sunshine beaming on my face. I looked at the clock. It was 8 in the morning. I moved my body a little bit to clearly look at Draco's bed. He was awake and looking outside the window, though, he was half-sitting and half-laying.

"Draco", I whispered, sitting up. He looked at me.

"Y/n...", he whispered back.

"How are you feeling?", I asked him, a look of concern printed on my face.

"Yea, I'm alright. It does hurt a bit, though."

"Don't", I commanded him as he was trying to sit up. He groaned as he put too much pressure on his cuts. I slid back down a bit, so that he could be on my level, and won't try to sit up and hurt himself again.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?", he asked me anxiously.

"She is the one who donated you blood, if it weren't for her, you would have been in a very critical condition", Madam Pomfrey called out, coming out from her little station in the corner of the wing.

She gave us something to eat, and smiled at the two of us before returning.

"You went through all the trouble for me?", he asked with wide eyes.

"It wasn't much Draco, I just donated a unit of blood because you really needed it.", I said

"Y/ means the world to me.", he said, now intently gazing at me, "Thank you."

I smiled at him.

"Thank you for thinking of me", he repeated, smiling at me.

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