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[Author's Note: Please remember to click 'Vote' on the chapters as it really helps me out! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! <3]

"Being shot in the head will teach you two very important things about life.

The first thing it teaches you is that you're tempting fate when you take a shortcut on your delivery route through a graveyard. When you're already surrounded by the dead and buried, sometimes there are people who want to help you feel at home, with a 9mm hunk of lead right through your noggin.

And the second thing that it teaches you is that, when the finky bastard in the checkered suit who pulled the nine on you is dumb enough to show you his face, you'd better remember it -- just in case you survive, harboring one killer headache and a hankering for some good, old-fashioned vigilante justice."

Meet Nevada: a 22 year-old Mojave Express courier-turned-gunslinger with a lifelong streak of bad luck. Tired of losing in life and with a hunger for revenge, she'll do whatever it takes to track down what she's lost -- and for Nevada, there's no price too high. 

For Nevada, it's all or nothing.


Nevada: High Roller (Fallout New Vegas)Where stories live. Discover now