Chapter 19: A New Menu

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[Author's Note: Please remember to click 'Vote' on the chapters as it really helps me out! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! <3]

[Thank you to @0FelaChan0 for the amazing fanart for this chapter! <3}

As Benny and I strolled nonchalantly across the casino floor, our masks securely in place, concealing the upper parts of our faces, we made our way towards the exclusive Member's Only Section of the Ultra Luxe's dining area. 

               Any pretense of confidence that Benny had initially displayed, however, had swiftly evaporated by the time that we slipped through the doors.

After cautiously closing the doors behind us, Benny and I hunched down, attentive to the sound of ceramic plates being set on a nearby table. Moving as stealthily as possible, we scurried along until we found refuge behind a section of wall to the right of an entrance leading into a magnificent dining area. 

There, we finally regained a sense of security.

Tower-like white walls extended upward, reaching a lofty forty feet until they reached the high ceiling adorned with shimmering crystal chandeliers. The elegant, elongated table beneath radiated a golden hue as the light danced upon its pristine, white silk tablecloth. Engrossed in his tasks, Mortimer meticulously arranged an increasing number of plates, knives, and forks across the table. As for the rows of purple chairs, their velvet backs exuded a regal aura, but it appeared that none of the other White Gloves had arrived just yet.

                I knew, however, that they would soon make their entrance. Time was of the essence, and Benny and I had to keep moving. We couldn't afford to let any chills or heebie-jeebies get to us now; they could wait until later.

"I'm really starting to hate this whole thing..." Benny hissed under his breath, pressing his back up against the wall while I peered around it, eyeing Mortimer's movements carefully. "I hate this, I hate this -- goddamn, I hate this!"

"Would 'ya pipe down?" 

I drew my head back from peering around the side of the wall, turning my attention to Benny with my voice hushed to little more than a whisper. 

"Always with the complainin'..."

Mortimer hadn't seemed to clock that we were there. He'd had his back to us but I recognized him, regardless. 

I hadn't seen any of the others wear any ridiculous top-hats like him.

Worst case scenario, he had known that we went off into the suites, found the body of that investigator and had sent off the assassin to the steam room in hopes of taking myself and Benny out at the same time as Chauncey. 

               Best case scenario, he thought that we were dead in that steam room or, better yet, he hadn't known we were involved at all. 

Either way, letting him see us now was not an option.

From our post to the right of the opening into the grand dining area, there was a door against the right-side wall, just a few feet away. I made for it, grabbing a firm hold of Benny's sleeve to usher him along at my side, just in case his cold feet proved to slow him down. 

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