Chapter 17: A Benny-ficial Arrangement

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[Author's Note: Please remember to click 'Vote' on the chapters as it really helps me out! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! <3]

When I had made the deal with House to score myself ten times the thousand-cap bonus he had originally promised me, like anybody who had just scored big, I felt like I'd finally gotten a win -- something good that finally came my way. 

                Wasn't luck, either. My own bargaining and the offer I'd put on the table earned me more caps than I had ever held together in my life.

That night, after Benny had fucked off back to his casino for an undoubtedly nightmare-fueled night, I had gone to sleep thinking "great job, Nev -- 'ya held a hunk of platinum hostage, shot down one of House's lights and still a managed to get House to agree to a deal that'll get'cha inside Fortification Hill, along with enough caps to get those firearms together if the whole thing takes too damn long."

And sure, the usual dose of nightmares that woke me throughout the remainder of the night sent me wandering the entry hall of the High Roller suite inside the Lucky 38 and checking every door, checking under every bed. 

               That never changed. 

For the remainder of the night, though, and for every moment I had been conscious from my disturbed slumber until Boone and I met Benny in the late morning and headed on into Freeside, I'd felt like the day might actually sway in my favor. 

That, for once, the day would be a relatively easy one.

True to his word, House had sent Victor to the High Roller suite by the time I had awoken, taken a shower, brushed my teeth over the bathroom sink beside Boone, and gotten myself dressed and ready for the day. Four large burlap sacks, each filled with five-thousand caps to make a grand total of twenty-thousand caps that Boone and I split down the middle, as agreed the night before. 

I must have spent a good twenty minutes sat on the entry hall's carpet, staring into the sacks filled to the brim with caps, sticking my hand in there and groping around just to see what it felt like.

We thought it'd be a good idea to take one burlap sack each into Freeside, all the way through the gap in the bus and towards Mick & Ralph's store next to the Eastern gate that Boone had walked through much earlier the evening before. Left one hand free if any of the locals decided to try anything. 

               Boone also said it'd be a good idea to keep some left over, that the guns we were supposed to be leaving Mick & Ralph's with shouldn't be too expensive, especially not in comparison to the amount of caps we were walking in there with.

That, he could not have been more wrong about.

In less than fifteen minutes after walking through those glass double-doors into that gun store did I find myself being carried out from where I had been hoisted, flung over Boone's left shoulder, while I screamed obscenities at the two men who had ruined my fucking day.

"-And y'know what else?" I hollered with snarling venom at the two cowering brothers inside the store, propping myself upright from where I hung over Boone's shoulder like nothing more than a sack of Tatos. "Fuck you! And fuck you, too, 'ya good-for-nothin', cheatin', caps-stealin' sons of bitches!"

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