Chapter 2. Hunting and Meeting.

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She kept looking at her room. It was simple, and could be organized enough if it wasn't for the amount of books splashed in one of the corners. There was no way around that, those she used daily and there wasn't a better place to store it all. She have been controlling herself during the entire month and it was quite admirable considering the nature of her predicament and the fact she was a teenager. 

Her clothes absorbed the humidity of her sweat making them uncomfortable, she wanted to rip them apart and scream, but she just looked at the pile of books and said – I think we should organize better my books.

Regulus understood as soon as she spoke. - You mean ¨you¨ should organize better your books? I agree. But I think you should spend tonight outside. You mustn't forget what you are.

- I'm not an animal, I can control myself. - She felt insulted, but answered politely enough.

- It is not a sin to spend time outside. It is natural to crave contact with nature, to feel stuck, to want to vent. Every decent wizard has those moments. - He was trying to make her feel better, but it sounded patronizing in her ears. - Your eyes are turning. - He said, as a matter of fact.

- Fine! - She said in a very aggressive tone, as she just jumped out of her window to the night.

Nymphs had very strong emotions, and it was part of their magic. Half nymphs tended to get most traits of full blooded nymphs, but in a less drastic manner. Full nymphs dies of heartbreak, half nymphs survived. Full nymphs had a way stronger relationship with the nature around them, to a point of becoming part of it in certain situations (for example turning into trees or sea foam), her aunt couldn't, but Edna was half human while Ursa half witch and she was sure she could transfigure herself into anything if she wished to with enough practice. Nymphs could also reverse and accelerate aging in any living form and she knew Edna could do it quite easily with plants and small insects, but it seemed harder to do on bigger beings. Maybe she was stronger and one day could. Maybe.

Her toughs were fast paced and she felt a pain in her chest, in her stomach, lower and higher, everywhere. The strange anxiety again. Everything was so loud all the birds were so incessantly noisy.... Until it wasn't. There was a rabbit somewhere. She stopped thinking at that moment.

Where was he... the little rabbit. Silently, way more silently than any human could, she followed the heartbeats. As soon as the rabbit saw her he started running. Funny and pointless, but she followed.

It's been more than an hour until she finally got bored, and in a fast movement picked the rabbit from the ground, that was too tired to fight. - Poor little thing. I'm going to give you some food until you recover, thank you for the fun. - She said, ignoring it's protest's that were already dying down and petting it's fur.

As soon as she got home aunt Edna came to the door, looking her up and down. - Get rid of the red eyes before your uncle comes back, you know how he hates to see it. - Ursa didn't wanted to turn back, she felt high and in control, so she picked some vegetables in the kitchen and went to her room with the rabbit, putting it in a box with the food, locked her door and looked right into Regulus portrait.

- I wish you were alive. - She said, defiantly. - I would be too old for you if time flowed normally, dear. - Regulus said, already knowing what was coming. - Maybe I wouldn't mind. - Ursa was getting back to reality, her eyes coming back to amber, her breathing slowing down, the weight of reality kicking in. - But I certainly would. - He said in a final tone. She didn't mind the rejection, she was quite used to it in fact. Tomorrow everything would be forgotten, as it wasn't herself speaking. Was the nymph.

- Tell me how you died again. - She said sceptically. The port   - By that time she would make friends that understood her, and wouldn't be alone anymore, or needing a portrait for comfort.

How unfair was that such a witch, born of such line and with such talent was being wasted in a muggle island in the middle of nowhere. Tragedy seemed to follow the kid's life, but he refused to let it go to waste. If it wasn't for such specific things happening around her because of reckless, mentally unstable and cruel adults she would be held in high regard by society, and in the highest position. She would be prized and respected. How the world could play some cruel games with the most innocent souls... He was glad he never killed her father in his youth, otherwise she would never be born, but after that, he just wished he could turn back time and assassinate the bastard before he helped his blood relatives throw the name of his family to the dirt once again. What was rather hypocrite of him. 

Regulus was a second degree cousin to her father, Taurus, that was the only son. He disappeared for many years after his father died (and he was a suspect of his murder) and came back during the second war to fight as a Dead Eater, buying the promise of social redemption and glory. Of course he failed miserably. And in the same year lost a war to Harry Potter and his wife to childbirth complications while he was on the run from justice.

Taurus has always been a little crazy and mentally unstable, but after his wife's death he became deeply delusional and violent. Ursa was raised with him on the run. Him and the criminals and blood supremacists that used to house him from time to time.

Her father having nothing on his name, and never having structured any standing in society to protect him further, had to act as humbly as possible in the face of verbal and physical humiliations of other pure-bloods. Ursa was born facing scorn, lower than any bastard. Her father used to say that from there it could just get better, but always forgot to say how everything had a price. Having to deal with his mood swings and irresponsibility, as well as the disdain and cruelty of others, marked Ursa forever.

And she was following and trying to hold what was left of her life alone, until a fateful day when she was 9.

Harry Potter was moving to his own house, and leaving Grimmauld Place in the care of Kreacher. The was perfect.

Kreacher respected the Black line more than anyone,  so he readily allowed her father to go there and pick some supplies (steal to fund his life of running) and go, without telling the authorities.

Her father did leave, but without her.

And that's how she spend one year at the manor. The same year she found Regulus portrait. Until the day Harry Potter came back to check on the state of things and found her, a little girl, anxiously cutting little parts of her own hair on the floor of the living room with a portrait begging her to stop while hanging on the ground and Kreacher bringing her food from behind him.

To say it was a surprise would be an understatement.

Kreacher, loyal as ever, told him what happened, leaving the hiding place of Taurus out of the conversation.

Harry was happier to see Regulus portrait than to see another living Black. Her existence still made him loose most of his fortune, and he already had a full, loving family. Not to say he was heartless or cruel, but after he found out she had an aunt (that seemed mentally stable enough) living in the muggle world, she wasn't his problem anymore. Maybe her aunt would love her so much that she would never want to live in the wizard world again, the poor thing must be traumatized. The fortune would come back to his line, but that certainly wasn't his main motivator.

Regulus found the situation cruel. Harry should have taken her, he was a wizard after all. That was what any respectful head of house would have done, after all. 

- I'll go with her. - Regulus almost implored. - Are you sure? My sons would love to live with you, you have a hero status in my house! - Harry said, in a positive tone and a big smile that was fading fast as soon as the memory of his lost assets came back. - She doesn't have anyone else. Please. - Regulus insisted, making Harry now a little ashamed. He has been an orphan after all. - Very well, it was an honor finally meeting you. Just know you will always have a space in my home.

Regulus was so focused on her that forgot to ask why he had a hero status. Well, he was a portrait, he guessed he already knew everything he should know.

And that is how they meet.  

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