Chapter 6. Decisions.

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 Ursa had gotten a wand in an uneventful endeavour after the breakfast incident. She refused a pet, not wanting the work that would come with it on top of all the work she would have to do for now on, the only thing she needed to do was to sort things out at the Gringotts, but she decided to push back for after. First and foremost she needed the help of someone with enough influence to accompany her so she would be spared of any possible complications that those goblins might try to machinate in the name of those who would not like her to be the heir of her own house.

Yes, she was suspecting Harry Potter.

Not that she thought he would actively do anything to perturb her plans, but he might, and if she ever gave him any minimal reason for suspicion, he would. She would have to deal with him at a later date. Maybe befriending his offspring at Hogwarts would be a wise idea... Well, she would have time to think about the issue tomorrow.

Today Ursa was focusing on learning to use her wand.

Ursa heard stories about how you would become one with your wand, how it's magic completed yours, how of an amazing and personal experience was to use a hard for the first time, and well, she wasn't having any of it. She was miserable.

She got a basic spell book and with the help of Narcissa she practised and practised for hours with no result. At one point she got so frustrated trying to levitate a dried flower that she simply threw the want away and did the spell without it. And in that moment Narcissa almost fainted.

And the girl was used to wandless magic, having practiced with Regulus since she started their lessons, and having a natural ability due to her ancestry, but she never imagined that a proficiency in it was so rare. Narcissa asked her to perform other spells without a wand, and they discovered that very complex spells were extremely hard to perform in this manner, and that spell words were as irrelevant for her as the wand, and just intention and concentration matters in her condition.

- Dear, do you know what Occlumency is? - Narcissa asked, with a strange tone that hinted her excitement.

Ursa looked suspiciously at her before straight up lying  – Barely, but I might have read a little about it. - Narcissa seemed to beam at her words.

- Draco is excellent in this art, he learned during the war, my dear boy saved me many more times than I would like to admit because of it and I will ask him to train you. - Her voice seemed sad at the end of the sentence, as if she just reminded herself of bad memories, what was probably the case.

- You think it would help me control my magic? I thought I was supposed to try to use my wand more, and it was dangerous to perform complex spells without it. - Ursa repeated what Regulus told her before.

- Nonsense, they teach this to children so the ones that can perform wandless magic become dependent on their wands. You cannot track wandless magic, that is the reason those lies are spread. - Narcissa said, dismissing Ursa's worries.

Ursa was starting to like Narcissa more and more. She was much more eloquent than aunt Edna, and seemed to understand Ursa in a deeper way. Ursa hoped one day she could trust her, it would make her life much easier.


After a long day of training Ursa retreated to her bedroom. Her body ached because of the magic induced stress of using so much wandless magic in a short period of time, and her mind was foggy and dark. She performed the last spell of the day, a cleaning one, this time with her wand, and fell into the luxurious bed, not bothering into transfiguring or changing her day clothes into anything more suitable.

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