Chapter 4. Encounters and Farewells.

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The wizards left Ursa’s house as soon as everything was explained.

Or almost everything.

Ursa couldn’t think straight, her heart was pounding and she was having a really hard time controlling it. Her aunt seemed so distressed that she secluded to her room to “sleep” as soon as they left. She didn’t even looked at Ursa’s face and it was very obvious that aunt Edna was disappointed in her, if not for how she behaved, but how both of them knew she would behave. Or maybe because she could sense her niece’s underhanded attempts at scavenging every and any scraps of aproval that she could muster.
Ursa wanted to speak with Regulus so badly that she walked towards her room with something akin to despair before she remembered that he wasn’t in her room anymore. She needed to ask her aunt what happened, so her steps changed direction to the suite and she politely knocked on the white door.
Her impatience soon got the best of her and before she had to knock again she simply entered the room in a storm.
The scene was quite dramatic, her aunt was looking at the ceiling, lost in deep thought, the room smelled like the sheets haven’t been changed in a while and there were some clothes scattered on the floor.
-         Where is Regulus? – Ursa promptly asked, already used to the scene.
Edna sat up and gave a little dramatic sign before saying in a quite final, if not a little bit careful, tone;
-         The Minister said that there was something wrong with it, they would run some tests and give him back to you. I always knew it wasn't a normal portrait and..- Edna started to mumble but was quickly interrupted by Ursa, that looked livid.
-         You cannot simply allow this without telling me! I couldn’t even say goodbye! – Ursa said in a strangled manner, trying to suppress the feelings, unsuccessfully. Her eyes were red and she was again in nymph mode.
Edna got up from her bed, and slowly walked towards Ursa, she had way more time to learn how to control her instincts but this insubordinence was testing her and the only way to deal with Ursa when she was in this state was in the most aboveboard way possible. – I'm your guardian and I do what I think is right. You are a smart girl and know that my word means nothing against the Minister's word, the word of ‘your’ kind that you so love and respect. I know you don't have friends but this is a portrait and apparently a defective one, it is extremely unbecoming for a nymph to be so attached to a... thing. An object! – Edna said those words with venom and frustration, and Ursa backed up a little.

-         I hate you. – Ursa said with all the venom she herself could collect and ran away, opening the doors by pure magic and running to the forest to exorcise her feelings away.

The next day Ursa woke up with a headache. She showered, dressed and prepared herself for the day, the last one she would be spending with her aunt, at least until Christmas break.

She made sure to profusely apologise for her behaviour the last day, and her aunt made nothing of it, the house was already used to her magical outbursts by now. They cooked and ate in silence. Ursa packed her bags. Edna went away to pick Ursa’s ‘’wizard money’’ and they both tried their best to make the day as good and light as possible.
At night, when Ursa was ready to sleep, her aunt Edna appeared by her door, looking almost sad. She wanted to give her some final advice. Sitting by her bed and taking Ursa’s hair by her hands she said in a very heavy, low and meaningful voice, trying not to cry in the process;
-         Ursa, I know you resent me for how I choose to raise you those years, but I want you to understand... that I may not understand your wizard side, but I understand your nymph one. It is not easy... for people like us to live outside mother nature... outside the wild. My half human blood never fought with my nymphic nature like your wizard magic does... People like you have a really strong magical bipolarity that take years to simply... – Edna started to mumble a little incoherently until she found the right words – You need to be strong Ursa, those kids, those people... They almost killed half their population just some years ago, they are dangerous and they will see you as nothing but a commodity, a caricature of what they want us to be. Be very careful Ursa, I know you think of this all as a game, and I know you want to... avenge the things that happened with you before... but... I just want you to be happy, and I know you can’t be satisfied now with the things you need... but you need to understand you need them. Hybrids as you tend to take many years before they can regulate their magic, it will not come unnoticed by those people, they will try to find your weaknesses and exploit it, Ursa hear me out, they won’t see an equal, doesn’t matter what they say, they see a commodity. I know that this is what you want, to live there... but have this in mind, you will have to live with this fact for many years. – Edna looked at the window and kept her monologue – I was talking about concealing your nymphic nature, they told me about inhibitors. Please be very careful with those. They will try to give you them every time your nature becomes a nuisance. Don't take it as long as you can, use it just when you need. Those things have horrible side effects and they will slow your acclimatization, will make you more unhinged with time, less in control. Be careful. You can always come back here, I will be here, your uncle will also be, and even your cousins. I heard they have a forest near the castle, go there as much as you need, but be careful, I heard they have centaurs.... and... and... learn a lot but know that your nymphic magic is stronger. Those people can't even start a fire without their wands... it is a little silly if you ask me. Don't let them force you into anything and don’t let them call you... a ‘’creature’’, it is quite disrespectful and patronizing, they are more creatures than us... those... monsters. You be careful.

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