Chapter 5. Breakfast at Malfoy's

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Ursa slowly walked through the endless Malfoy Manor's corridor carefully eyeing the portraits, that themselves looked at her with both suspicion and polite sneer.

It’s been two days since she arrived and things turned out to be quite different from what she was expecting previously. Narcissa prohibited her from buying school supplies alone, and told her in a very commanding tone that since she was at the Malfoy state she would do it the Malfoy way, and it apparently was to order everything from a catalogue.
Narcissa had an impecable taste on her personal fashion and decoration, so Ursa simply allowed her to choose every single item required, trying her best to absorb the maximum information that she could about what was the actual state of wizarding taste, and most importantly, what was expected and what was too much from someone like herself. Ursa also found time to talk with the portraits, and found that she could get a lot of useful information from those magical objects that had nothing else to do with their time than remember the past and gossip. Most of the non-Malfoy ones came from the older Black lines, and strangely, she couldn’t find a single portrait that was alive during her father’s time besides Orion Black, that refused to speak with her for some reason.
The portraits told her that Narcissa probably wanted to avoid going out publicly without a reason because of her involvement in the war, and that wizard society didn’t seemed to hold the Malfoy name with the regard it had in the past, and the surprisingly only reason why the mistreatment didn't extended to the Black name was the participation of Sirius Black in the Order of Phoenix. Regulus used to talk a lot about Sirius, but never deepened the subject, constraining himself with only mentioning the name from time to time, and refusing to go much further.

Ursa, during her first night at the Manor, secluded to her designated room, a spacious one with ornate golden wood, painted walls and white fabrics, and obsessively thought about the best course of action. She felt like she lacked information to form a concise plan, and all her theories about Narcissa changed slightly once she got more information on the state of the Malfoy name. She was waiting for Draco and Scorpius to return from their ‘’trip’’ from France to gather a broader understanding on the situation and she felt very anxious.

Ursa had many situations in her life in which she was deprived of the full picture, and most of them resulted in a lot of pain and terror for her side. If a situation seemed hard to understand it was normally because someone was purposely acting underhandly and had intentions that were against her wishes.
Now, walking in those surprisingly long corridors felt like her stay there was some sort of penitence and she felt cold and anxious.
Today the two Malfoy men arrived from their trip, and an elf told her that she was supposed to meet them all for breakfast. She wasn’t sure if Narcissa had any real intention on paring her with someone from her family, or with who, or if it was a possitive or a negative thing, or if she could use it or if it would haunt her later, so choosing an outfit seemed quite troublesome.
In the end she choose silver matching robes, in velvet and silk, one of the clothes that Narcissa helped her choose, all completed with a small hat in the same colour, embroided with little pearly beads in an Art Nuveau fashion and dragon skin delicate boots.
Her heart was poulding and right when she was a few meters from the door, she changed her mind and called an elf.
-         Miss want something? – Asked the small being that she recognized as Daisy, the elf Ms Malfoy designated for her.
Ursa took her hat out and fixed her hair in a nearby mirror. She soon gave the hat to the elf, that took it with the outmost delicacy.

-         Please retrive it to my room, I don't want to wear it for breakfast.
The elf simply disapeared in a ‘’puff’’. Ursa was very afraid to overkill in her first impression.
It took a lot of willpower to put her pristine polite mask back, she could see in a nearby mirror that she was starting to crease her eyebrows and change expressions, so she soon relaxed her face and walked towards the big white ornate door, that was wide open.

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