Chapter 3. Awakening.

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Ursa was very adept at hiding her emotions with infinite layers of deception.
It was not that she was a particularly deceptive person by nature, but life sure can teach you to survive when it sets it's will to it. Deception was a part of the set of skills needed for her particular kind of survival.

And when she came home that night, after hours of agony and magic induced vivid visions, she looked very put together. Her clothes were very dirty but she managed to clean her face and fix her hair the best way possible before stepping into the propriety. Her aunt Edna would not be happy with the state of the floors but she had more important matters to attend to before caring much about such a thing, regardless she made a mental note to take her shoes before stepping on the light wood floor, if only for the sake of her future self that would probably be tasked with the cleaning.  

She needed to speak with Regulus in private.
Thankfully, once she opened the door, no one was in the living room or kitchen, her aunt probably went to sleep and her uncle was out of town. She took away her extremely dirty white sneakers and made her way as fast and silently as possible. Thankfully being half nymph meant that she had a superior grace and furtiveness, but her aunt also being meant she had more acute senses and sensibilities.

When she finally arrived in her room the first thing she did was close the door and look for Regulus.

He looked desolate.

The room in his painting now had a door.

She tried to compose herself, but it was getting harder and harder. An avalanche of feelings was starting to take control and she just knew her eyes were turning red. As soon her body started to hyperventilate she knew she turned. Using the door to hold her balance Ursa feel to the floor.

-         We have a lot to talk to. – Regulus said with a very worried voice. Before he could finish his sentence, Ursa passed out for the first time in her life.

When she woke up, she was in her bed, in she same clothes as yesterday.
Her aunt was sitting in a chair close by, and her head was hurting to much that if felt like she was hit by a car.

-         Ursa, are you awake? – Her aunt asked, with a strange edge in her voice.

A silly question to ask when she was looking into her open eyes, but nonetheless Ursa answered, even if just with a small nod. It seemed to satisfy Edna.

-         We have company, you can take a shower and dress first, I think they are important people.- This part was said by Edna with a tone very akin to disdain, but it seemed like an order more than a request.

Ursa just nodded again. When her aunt left and close the door behind her, Ursa tried to lift her body as fast as possible, but her mind was so foggy that even the small movements seemed to take a tool on her. Before heading to the bathroom, she realized Regulus portrait was missing. She ignored the fact and headed to the shower with a few clothes in her hand.

After the shower, Ursa looked in the mirror, seeing no difference. She looked the same, pale skin, soft dark hair, honey eyes that would eventually turn red. Same old young girl. She dressed with care, haven chosen a sleeveless white linen shirt with a straight pussybow that looked more like a cravat, and a mid pleaded skirt in brown, she looked decent, age appropriate, classy and humble at the same time. She didn’t knew who was waiting her, but it would have to do. She left her hair free and running a little wild, and left her eye bags uncovered, knowing that whoever was there knew about what happened yesterday, or at least a part of it, and would expect her to be at least a little dishevelled. You never want to look overly in control without a reason. (She knew she was far from in control, but you never know other people’s intentions)
When she arrived in the living room, her aunt was drinking tea with an older witch in grey that she recognized as McGonagall, the headmistress of Hogwarts, and a random well dressed wizard that looked like he was in his 40s and had big, blue eyes that looked at everything with the ultimate care. Pureblood possibly, eyeing the strange poor muggle home with something akin to pity in his patronizing eyes.

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