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hey did you guy know that if your heart isn't beating you are probably not alive so yeah hit that subscribe button and buy my drugs

Shuichi cleared his throat, awkwardly trying to start a conversation. "So, er, how did you all make it this long...?" Any previous word Shuichi had gotten was somber and unhopeful, and he hadn't known if anyone else in the city was left. But there were six other survivors in front of his eyes, all alive and well.

They are all sitting around a table in the cafeteria after finishing a meal cooked by Kirumi comprised of instant rice, grilled chicken- Shuichi had no idea how they acquired it, seeing as electricity didn't work anymore so most of the meat left in grocery stores and the likes was long since rotten, but he didn't question it- a salad, and tea.

Shuichi had eaten three platefuls. He had undergone one of the most traumatic experiences of his life, all on an empty stomach, and he was ravenous. It was hard to not toss the utensils aside and shovel as much food as he could into his mouth with his bare hands.

"I was the first to hide out here. My parents were on a trip out of the country when things began to worsen. I much prefer to think they are still alive." Kirumi declared smoothly, taking a sip of her drink. "After I began to run out of food, I made the decision to find a new base, and this was the first suitable place I found. The rest of us began to accumulate shortly afterwards."

Kiibo was the next to speak up. "My creator was unfortunately killed in an unsuccesful mission to gather samples of the White Death so he could develop a cure. I was left alone, and ended up coming here afterwards." He stated. "I was slightly damaged, and I tried, but any attempts to repair myself were met with failure. I went out in search of someone who could help me."

"Wow, good thinking. Especially from a walking, talking Roonba like you!" Kokichi commented from across the table.

"Are the robophobic remarks really necessary?" Kiibo huffed, pouting.

He was about to respond with another snarky comment, but Rantaro chimed in. "Kokichi, come on."

He shot a glare his way, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms across his chest, but he shut his mouth either way. I guess he listens to Rantaro, at least...

"I'll go next." Kaede offered. "I ended up stranded in a convenience store after getting lost in the crowds when the panic first broke out. I was afraid to leave and find a safer place to stay. Those things were everywhere, and I felt like I couldn't do anything except hide. Miu eventually found me there, and we ended up together, thank goodness. I was so scared!"

Kirumi nodded. "They were the third and fourth to arrive. Thankfully, Miu is able to keep Kiibo in a desirable condition. I myself know nothing about machinery, and Kaede has been quite helpful as well." The latter smiled warmly in response to being acknowledged, while Miu released a bout of raucous laughter.

"I guess you could say I'm just a fuckin' savior! Gorgeous girl genius strikes again and again!" Miu bragged loudly, flipping her hair to add extra flair.

"Hmph. Savior? Only cuz they were desperate. Who'd want to be saved by a stupid bitch like you?" Kokichi chimed in yet again, a pouty expression on his face.

"Aaaah! S-stupid?!"

Rantaro sighed, muttering something about wondering how the hell he ended up associating with such crackheads, before deciding to add his own story. "I was on a camping trip with some friends. We actually didn't know how bad things were getting, not being connected to the internet and all. When we got back, everything was just... gone. Blah blah, found my way here, all that stuff."

A Strange New World (Saiouma Post-Apocalyptic AU)Where stories live. Discover now