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oh no guys its homo time!!!!!

"Well, if he seems 'decently interesting', why don't you just try spending time with him like a normal person? I mean, if you know how to do that."

Ugh, how dumb.

He laughed it off and said it was stupid, as he always did when he was offered advice. But he knew Rantaro was right. So, after a few awkward days passed of Shuichi being showed the ropes by everyone except him, Kokichi was going to try. He knew he had probably failed already, but he was going to try.

Besides, someone had to teach that nerd to use a weapon. The last thing they wanted was for the newest survivor in their little clan to die or get Infected.

Kokichi rapped insistently on the door, not bothering to stop when he heard a commotion from inside suggesting Shuichi was very aware of his presence. Said boy eventually pulled the door open, about to utter a greeting, but stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened. It was apparent that he was the last person Shuichi expected to be at his door.

"C'mon, I gotta show you something." Kokichi stated, breaking the momentary silence.

He blinked a few times. "Huh...? What are you doing here?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Are you deaf? I said I have to show you something. It's really important. Like, really super important. And if you don't come with me I'll put thumbtacks in your shoes." He threatened with a sly smile.

"Can you be more specific?" Shuichi asked, clearly not trusting him or anything about the confrontation. 

Understandable, but come on, we don't have all day.

"Just come on already." Kokichi grumbled, stomping his feet impatiently. He gave a slight sigh.

"Alright, I suppose..." He responded. He mostly caved due to the fact that he had nothing better to do- and considering his conversation with Kaede a few days ago, he didn't see the point in refusing. Maybe he could give it a shot. 

He retreated back into his room for a second, leaving Kokichi to wait impatiently in the hallway. As he threw his hat on his head and pulled on his jacket, he wondered absentmindedly what Kokichi had in store. He honestly had no idea. He was surprised that he even went out of his way to come spend any amount of time with him.

He emerged back into the hallway. "Come on!" Kokichi exclaimed, turning and racing towards the stairwell. Shuichi followed him at a much slower pace, lost in thought and regretting his descision already.

The pair reached the bottom floor, Kokichi nagging him to go faster the whole way there. He was even more confused. There was nothing on the first floor, according to Kaede. The only thing they used it for was storage. He began to suspect more and more that this was some kind of prank by the mischevious boy.

He silently led him down the dark and abandoned hallway, the only light coming in through windows. His eyes darted from place to place, trying to take in any relevant details. Eventually, they stopped in front of a door.

"So, what is it you wanted to show me down here?" He questioned, not expecting any sort of answer.

His response was to grin and shove him into a closet.

He screamed and tripped over his own feet, landing with a light "oof" on the hard tiles below. To add insult to injury, a small plastic bucket on a nearby shelf fell off and hit him right in the face. He sat up, tossing it aside and rubbing the area where it had hit him. It didn't hurt too bad, but it was still quite annoying.

Kokichi stood above him, laughing hysterically. Something about it didn't feel mean-spirited like his usual maniacal giggle, but he still didn't appreciate it. He shot the purple-haired boy a glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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