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this chap is short, kind of irrelevant, mostly centered around kirumi and kokichi because uhhh i like their dynamic and it's kiiiinda to the story sort of ig

tbh i just want to get an update out there, and i'm still feeling kind of inspired so yeah, sorry this one's so short

Kirumi gently rapped on the door, calling out the owner's name. The small window was covered from the inside with an old black shirt that he had nailed over it as a makeshift curtain. Even though it was covered, she knew he was most likely in there.

This notion was proven correct as the door creaked open just a crack and a single narrowed, purple eye glared out at her.

He didn't say anything to her, so Kirumi took it upon herself before the silence grew too uncomfortable. "May I come in?" She requested.

He didn't allow her entry, simply continuing to stare at her from the barely-open door. "Why? I'm busy plotting world domination. What do you want?" He snapped. Kirumi knew his aggression was just him trying to scare her away, and she wasn't about to allow him to trick her.

"I simply want to talk. If you want to be alone right now, that's fine too." She declared, knowing that he wouldn't want to admit any sort of vulnerability, effectively good-naturedly backing him into a corner. 

"No, I don't. I just don't feel like it." Kokichi dismissed her, but regardless, he finally complied. "Fine, just make it quick."

He pushed open the door and held it for her. The door automatically swung shut once he let go of it, and it required a stopper to remain open. He stepped back and sat on his bed, reclining back onto the pillows with his arms tucked behind his head.

His room was a mess- but in a somewhat organized way. It was completely scattered and piled with random items from his travels around the now-abandoned city, including his bed frame, which was still covered in scratches from when he heaved it all the way there from a furniture store. The walls were covered in pictures taken with the camera Miu built for him, which sat on the shelf of a bookcase that was stacked with comics, crime novels, and various unrecognizable junk.

"'Kay, hurry up and talk before I shank you with the knife hidden in my pillowcase and toss you to a horde of Infected. What do you want?" He inquired, sounding completely casual for such a brutal proposition.

Although she was a bit put-off, she didn't acknowledge the threat. "I just wanted to speak with you. Is that really such a problem?" Kirumi asked. He gave an exaggerated roll of his eyes, accompanied with a long, drawn-out groan.

"Yeah, it is a problem, because you're suuuuuuuuuper boring, and I don't waste my precious time on boring things." Kokichi waved his hand as if to shoo her away like a fly repeatedly buzzing around his face.

She knew he was just looking for a reaction, quite used to his behavior by then. "I understand, and I promise I'll be brief. The addition of new elements to one's environment can be quite stressful, so I figured it was necessary to remind you that you can talk to others about your feelings if you need."

Pssh. As if. "Wow, Kirumi! Thank you so much! You really are the bestest mom in the whole wide world!'' He chirped, instantly shifting from apathetic and rude to happy and sweet, his tone unrelentingly cheerful. Kirumi knew he wasn't being genuine, and didn't expect otherwise.

"Kokichi, I'm not your mom. You know I don't like when you call me that." She chided him. The nickname made her feel old, and much more mature than she actually was. She reminded him continually, but he never stopped.

"B-but Kirumi... I don't have a mom anymore... a-and... I r-really thought that you'd be able to be a motherly figure for me...! Underneath it all, I'm just scared, and sad! How could you be so c-cruel...!" He pouted, large crocodile tears forming at the corners of his eyes as he sniffed exaggeratedly. 

"Might I remind you that we are the same age?" She sighed. 

"That doesn't mean anything! You really are heartless!"

She stood up. "There, there, Kokichi. You need to clean your room, by the way." She declared, pointedly eyeing the unorganized mess scattered around the whole place and the carpet that hadn't been vaccumed in weeks and was stuck with pieces of lint, small shreds of paper, and various junk.

"Isn't that your job?" He whined, flopping backwards into a laying position. "Do it for me, peasant!"

"Alright then. I'll be in here tomorrow with a vaccum at 4:30 AM sharp, if that's what you want." She remarked. He kicked his legs like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"No fair!"

"Life isn't fair, to be perfectly honest. Now, would you like anything else within reason before I leave?" She inquired.

"Eh. No. Now, go away, before I fulfill my promise of shanking you." He replied. She gave a light chuckle.

"If that's the case, then I'll be going now." Kirumi headed towards the door, turning around to face him right before she placed her hand on the doorknob. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps to check if he was alright, as if the moment her back was turned he would have an emotional meltdown. His gaze was still fixed on the roof, and he glanced at her when he noticed.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." He huffed. 

She shook her head. "Good talk, Kokichi."

"Thanks, mom! See ya later." He grinned, waving. 

Not even bothering to request that he stop with the annoying nickname, and taking that as her cue to leave, she twisted the doorknob and quietly stepped out into the hallway. He released a long, drawn-out breath and rolled over in his bed, now staring at the wall rather than the ceiling.

"Jeez, does she really think I'm bothered by some stupid nerd? Can't believe she'd underestimate me like that..." He grumbled quietly, to no one in particular. His quiet classroom-turned-bedroom offered no response.

Kokichi Ouma was in a particularly strange mood that day. He was beginning to grow quite tired of the apocalypse messing with his already-scattered feelings.

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