chapter 11

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Ngl this fic could be so much better. I have ideas for fics but idk if I should write them.


"Nice to meet yo- oh" I breathe.

It isn't Harry's new girl. In fact it isn't a girl at all. It's Harry.

"Oh you look positively adorable Harry!" Eleanor gushes.

He smiles shyly.

"Thank you El" he says politely.

Everyone looks at me expectantly.

"What?" I huff.

"Um... What are your- your thoughts on the uh, the clothes?" He stutters nervously.

"Oh! Right. The clothes. Um I don't know what to say." I say truthfully.

He nods sadly. I'm confused for a second until I realize why.

"Oh no Harry! I'm not going to judge you by the clothes you wear!" I say quickly.

He looks like he's confused.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because that doesn't make you who you are. You are you not because of what you look like." I tell him.



Time skip because that was really awkward. Next chapter start with Mia, Harry, and Zayn on Sunday.

I would never {L.S.} FinishedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя