Chapter 7

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"How are you feeling, Cosmo?", Cosmo heard Wanda's voice ask as he slowly began to regain consciousness. He woke up to find himself lying down in his and Wanda's bed, with her sitting next to him with a look of concern on her face.

"W-what? Where are we?"

"We're back home, sweetheart. I took you home when you passed out.", Wanda sighed, "Why don't you take your medicine? I left it on your nightstand."

Cosmo slouched himself up so he could reach the glass of water and anxiety pills she had left him. After he took 2 pills, he melted himself back into the blankets, sinking into the satin sheets.

"Wha-what happened? What did I do wrong? Is the baby alright?', Cosmo asked. Wanda sighed sadly.

"You passed out after we talked to your parents. You landed on your side, so I don't think the baby is hurt, but I would like for you to stay in bed a couple of days."

"Aw, but I don't wanna stay in bed! We still have things to do for the baby.", Cosmo whined.

"I know, but I don't want you putting yourself or the baby at risk anymore. I just want you to focus on relaxing and making sure you eat enough for the baby.", Wanda said, "I also managed to make an appointment to get your stomach looked at."

"Oh ok.", Cosmo said quietly, "W-What about my mom and dad? A-Are they mad at me?"

"I don't know honey. Your father was crying when you passed out, and Mama Cosma was screaming at me for all I'm worth. I-I would just focus on relaxing and destressing before you talk to them again."

The couple fell silent for a bit as Cosmo started to feel a wave of guilt wash over them. Not only did he make his wife worry about him, HE had been the reason his father was crying his eyes out. Cosmo felt tears streaming down his eyes as he thought about the past month and a half, and how he had been messing everything up and making people upset.

"Cosmo. Come on.", Wanda said, cupping his face and wiping the tears off, "It'll be alright. I'm sure everything will be ok. It's just gonna take some time."

"I-I know but I keep messing everything up. Mama's mad and I made you worried, and dad's crying. I-I just want to have this baby so I quit ruining people's lives."

"Honey, you're not ruining people's lives. It's just that we're under a lot of pressure right now and we haven't been getting that much support."

"Still, everything's my fault. It always is. I was the one who decided to get pregnant.", Cosmo cried.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just think we need some extra help, that's all.", Wanda sighed, kissing him on the cheek, "Can I ask you something?"


"Do you even still want this baby?"

"W-What? Of course I do? Why would you ask that?"

"You have been very moody these last several weeks. I know most of it chalks up to pregnancy mood swings, but I don't think I've ever seen you so miserable before."

"I-I want the baby, but I don't like the pregnancy.", Cosmo sighed, "I'm sorry I've been really whiny and crying a lot, but I don't know how much more of this I can take."

"Well, you've only got about another month left.", Wanda said, lying down next to him, "And we still have the baby shower to look forward to."

"I know. I know. I still want this baby. So so bad. But-", Cosmo groaned, "But I'm so tired. I just want everyone to leave me alone so I can get through this. Well..except for you, of course."

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