Chapter 11

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After a lot of heated discussion and arguments from all parties involved, the police ended up bringing Mama Cosma into custody. Wanda was still storming mad, slamming the door behind her as she went back inside. Chelsea ended up taking Mrs. Fairywinkle home as well, since she was too drunk to stand, let alone poof herself places. All that stood left in the moonlight was a weeping Cosmo and his father, who wrapped his arms around him.

"Come on now. Let it out. There there.", Papa Cosmo whispered, rubbing Cosmo's back, "I'm so sorry."

"S-S-She..why...she..", he couldn't even say more than a few words until he took a deep breathe, "W-why does she have to ruin everything? I've done nothing to her!"

"I-I don't know sweetheart. Just breathe for me. Come on now.", he instructed Cosmo to take some deep breathes before pulling him back into another hug, "It'll be alright. I promise."

"H-How do you know? S-She's never liked Wanda, so she'll never like the baby!"

"N-now now. Maybe she'll come around. You never know. Everything just takes time.."

"NO! You know what?", Cosmo snapped suddenly, breaking from his father's grasp, "I've just about had enough! I get it! I'm a bad son and I should be sorry for inconveniencing her! I get it!"

"Sweetheart please.."

"No dad! I'm done with people trying to convince me my mama's a good person, and just needs extra time to process things. No! If she hated Wanda and the baby so bad, then why did she even bother coming? Why waste your time on the family you couldn't give two damns about?"

Papa Cosmo was at a lost for words. It seemed like whenever he would try to deescalate a situation, he would either get yelled at or overlooked. Nothing he could say ever seemed to help, and sometimes it would make everything worse. He just sighed and said nothing, allowing his son to keep crying on her shoulder.

After a while, Cosmo didn't have much left to say to anyone, wanting nothing more than to go to bed and try to forget the day even happened. But as he almost walked inside the house, his father stopped him once more.

"Uh..honey, maybe it's not safe for you to go back inside.", Papa Cosmo said, "I think you should stay with me tonight. Give your wife some space and time to cool down."

Cosmo was hesitant for a second, but ended up agreeing, just wanting to get to a bed, any bed. Papa Cosmo poofed the two into Cosmo's pinkish colored, childhood home, where several, half empty, whiskey bottles rested in the corner of the kitchen, with rivers of the whiskey all over the kitchen floor. Papa Cosmo smiled in embarrassment, patting Cosmo on the shoulders.

" go get some sleep, sweetheart. I'm gonna clean this up real fast."

Cosmo did what he was told and made his way into the room he grew up in as a kid. It wasn't much; just a green bed, with a purple nightstand, lamp, and some stuffed animals sitting in the corner. Cosmo sighed as he looked at the toys and how much he used to cling on to them if either Mama Cosma was screaming drunk, or if Papa Cosmo left to get her some liquor.

As he lied down on his bed, which ended up being a bit old and crooked and his feet spilled over the foot, he struggled to understand either one of his parents. He thought about all the times his mother screamed and hit his father, calling him a worthless idiot and a bad father, as if she had room to talk. Occasionally, if she had a really bad day at work, she would come home with a whiskey bottle already in her hand, drink it, and then smash her husband's head with it. Man, it's a good thing Fairies (or most of them) were fast healers.

As angry as he was with his mother, he also was starting to get a bit irritated with his father as well. Yes, ultimately, he meant well and wanted a family to raise and take care of, but he also struggling to stand up to Mama Cosma. When he came back from being a fly, he never tried to leave her again, instead responding to her yelling by submissive little squeaks or nods in agreement. Man, he wasn't sure if either one of them deserved to see much of the baby, but he'd be damned if he told his father that while he allowed them to stay.

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