Chapter 10

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Chelsea shifted uncomfortably as her father continued to hug her, his normally gentle grasp now squeezing her. She wasn't sure if he was planning to let go anytime soon.

" too dad.", she said, somehow managing to pry herself off of him. Papa Cosmo looked at her and gave her a sad smile.

"How have you been? Cosmo told me you weren't doing so well financially.", he asked.

"Gee..thanks Cosmo.", Chelsea sneered, glaring at Cosmo who pretended he was busy with something else, "No. I'm fine dad. Don't worry about me. My work's been kind of hard lately but I'm sure I'll make it through ok."

"Well, if you ever need a place to stay, you can always stay with me."

"Depends. Do you still live with Mama?"

"Yes dear."

"Then I'll pass. I'd rather live on the streets than listen to Mama tear into me about how I'll never make it in life.", Chelsea said, receiving a frown from her father, "If it were just you, then it' d be different. I just don't feel comfortable at your place right now."

"I understand. I can't blame you darling. Things haven't gotten much better since you left home anyways. I'm sure you can already guess out how given our history as a family", he whimpered, "If only she kept more of an open mind, then maybe you wouldn't be struggling as much."

"Yeah well. It is what it is right now, dad. I've made my choices and now I got to live with the consequences."

"I-I know. I just wish I could help."

"I don't need help. I'll be ok. I swear.", Chelsea sighed, "You don't have to worry about me all the time. I'm grown now. I can take care of myself."

"But it's my job to worry about you. You might be on your own but I'm still your father. A-and a father's supposed to love and care for his kids, even if they're grown.", Papa Cosmo said, pulling Chelsea back into a hug, "I'm always here for you, sweetheart. You can ask me for help if you need it, alright?"

Hearing his father say that, Cosmo felt a bit warmer as he sat down for the first time this morning. As he grew up, he had promised himself that while he wasn't smart enough to be the world's greatest parent, he'd try his hardest not to end up like his parents. He didn't want his soon to be born daughter to have the same childhood he did. He felt himself tear up slightly just thinking about his own childhood, and how he'd let himself get so angry he'd beat his wife and kids just like his mother did to them.

Cosmo wasn't allowed much time to venture into his thoughts. The doorbell rung once more, and was about to get up and grab it before Wanda stopped him.

"I'll get it honey. You just relax.", she said. She opened the door to reveal her mother, with her face done up with make up and her purple hair curled, as if she were about to go clubbing. She wore her black party dress and carried several large plastic bags that said Star Liquor in black, bold letters. Wanda noticed it almost immediately and frowned.

"What's with all the liquor? This is a baby shower, not a bachelorette party.", she complained, allowing her mother inside.

"Oh, quit with the ungrateful attitude! I just wanted to bring some drinks for the party! Is that so bad?"

"No, if we were out clubbing. We got fruit punch and water set up in the kitchen.", Wanda sighed, "But fine. At least you're hear. Just put them in the fridge or something and take them home when you get back. Cosmo and I don't really drink hard liquors."

Mrs. Fairywinkle rolled her eyes as she made her way into the kitchen, ignoring Papa Cosmo's uncomfortable squirms as he saw the bottles. Wanda looked outside the window next to the door in hopes her father showed up but didn't see anyone with her.

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