Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is mostly dialogue heavy. I'm starting to run out of ideas with this, so I'm thinking the story will be completed soon. Next chapter, things will be a lot more...interesting I should say.

The rest of the second trimester has surprisingly been uneventful, with the exception on the usual symptoms. Cosmo hadn't heard much from his parents since he had last called his father, and he felt himself almost as cheery as his usual self. He was having a baby girl, just like he wanted, after all!

"A girl Wanda! Can you believe it? A baby girl!", he sighed, tearing up slightly as he rubbed his belly, now more attached than ever. Wanda smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yes dear, we've known for several weeks now."

"Ooh, what are you thinking for a name? I'm still leaning towards Philipp."

"Sweetie, Philipp is a boy's name.", Wanda said, shaking her head.

"B-But my dad's name is Linnie, and that's a girls na-"

"We're not naming the baby Philipp, Cosmo. Hate to break the news to you.", Wanda said in a playfully annoyed tone, "We'll think of something soon sweetheart, I promise. But right now, I got to get ready to have lunch with my dad."

"Really? He's not working?"

"It's his lunch break right now, and we said we'd catch up while we were dealing with the baby's room. Besides, I figured I'd give you some peace and quiet for a little while before you enter the third month."

"B-But I like having you here!"

"I won't be long, I promise.", Wanda said, before making her way towards her bathroom to take a shower, "We're just gonna go get lunch at the Italian place that opened up not too long ago. It'll probably take about an hour and a half tops."

"Oh. Ok then. You should go have fun then. It's been a while since we've had some piece and quiet."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

Cosmo got back to watching the television as Wanda got ready, kissing him goodbye at the commercial break. He slouched a bit, smiling at his stomach as he rubbed it gently.

I don't care what Wanda says. I think you'd make a pretty good Philipp.

A few minutes later however, Cosmo's cell phone rang, snapping him out of his fantasies and making him feel a bit nervous. But as he picked up his phone, the Caller ID showed Chelsea's phone number, which made him sigh in relief. He really didn't want to talk to his mother right now.


"Hey Cosmo, what's happening?", Chelsea's voice rang, "Are you busy right now."

"No, not really. Wanda went to see her dad and I'm just here watching TV."

"Cool cool. Well, I actually was calling to see if you wanted to hang out for a bit? You know, get some lunch? Figured it'd give us time to chill and catch up."

"Is Garett with you?"

"No, it'll be just you and me. I was thinking at the Fairy Rock Café downtown? What do you think?"

"Uh, I guess so. I am starting to get hungry again, anyways."

"Cool. Don't poof though. I'm coming to pick you up. I'm already on my way."

"Wouldn't poofing be easier though?"

"Not when you're pregnant. Don't want to take any chances.", Chelsea said. Cosmo could hear her radio blast rock music in he backroom, "I'm almost there. Meet me out front."

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