2. Ivo

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"Fuck" Rupert hissed as the power went and I knew it would only be moments before Thad rejoined us, he had been the last to head off for a hot shower, one that would now not be possible without the power.

Five, four, three, tw... BANG the door flew open and a dripping Thad stood looking extremely pissed off. "What the fuck happened?" he growled and I laughed.

"Powers off" Rupert sarcastically replied and I hid my grin at Thad's growl.

None of us expected to still be here, we had been planning to head to Thad's parents place in the Caribbean to grab some winter sun, but our taxi had been late, then it had broken down 5 miles from the school.  The taxi driver had been full of apologies and had called a breakdown truck, but couldn't find anyone to pick us up.  

By then the storm had been getting worse, and by the time the tow truck reached us, we knew we would miss our flight, tempers had been flaring already but when the tow driver told us he would only take the taxi driver,  he couldn't take us back, we had unhappily unloaded our bags and  trudged back through the storm.

Reaching the deserted building we had let ourselves in and most of us had gone straight to the showers, wanting to get warm and dry before taking stock, Thad had to be different and had tried to get hold of his parents, but the signal was out and the landlines not working either.

"What do we do now" Topper muttered from his chair, looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me" I asked and he threw the cushion at me.

"Because you will actually make a decision" he points his finger at Thad "He will think too much about it", his finger moves to Rupert "And he will rush in, and me... I am too lazy to make a choice, so its down to you" he finishes, catching the cushion I have just launched back at him.

"Do you think anyone is still here?" Rupert questions and I shake my head, remembering what the Chancellor had said to me, earlier that week.

"Old man Whitehouse said campus would be empty this year, told me he was glad given the storms that were forecast, the staff who live her would be self sufficient but no students" I told them.

"Good job too, given the current weather and power situation" Topper drawls.

"Well at least we have each other" Thad says with a singsong voice causing us all to laugh and break some of the tension. 

"Anyway, it's late now and too dark to go looking for circuit breakers, let's wait till morning, Thad keep your phone on, incase your parents manage to get through, rest of us will turn ours off, just in case." I instruct them and raise a finger at their knowing grins, yes I like to be in control, so sue me.

I watch as my best friends disperse to their rooms and hope the temperature doesn't drop too much further, we had turned everything off as we were going to be away and now needed to be able to turn it back on again, and find food and...  I headed for bed, my mind making plans for the morning.

Morning dawns cold and bright, despite the winds still howling outside and I gaze as the clock on my bedside table, still resolutely black, so no power yet.  I push myself out of the covers knowing the sooner we are up and dressed we can try to find the staff or al least the fusebox, maybe its just tripped and we can get the power back on ourselves, not to mention the need for food.

Adding a couple of thin layers to keep the chill at bay, I bang on the other's door and hear their grumbles as they wake to the cold.  Pushing open Thad's door, I see him looking at his phone "Anything?" I ask hopefully but he shakes his head.

"No, no signal at all and if we don't get power soon, it will be flat" he replies throwing the covers back and getting up.

Within ten minutes everyone is dressed and ready to tackle the problems at hand.

"Thad, you and Rupert, see if you can find a fusebox, lets hope its just tripped, Topper and I are going to see if we raise a staff member, then we will hit the kitchens to grab some food" I instruct and with nods we all head out of the dorm. Thad and Rupert heading down deeper into the building to find the maintenance areas as we opened the front door and stepped out into a winter wonderland.

The overnight snow had covered everything outside with at least a foot of snow, deeper drifts leaning up against the buildings and bushes.   Our breath pluming out ahead of us as we trek across the courtyard area towards the main school buildings.

Everything was locked up and nothing had power, meaning our passes would not open the doors.  There was no sign in the snow of anyone else being around but we kept looking, circling round to the staffing dorms, again everything was locked up and dark.

"Do you know where the caretakers cottage is?" Topper asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, but its a way out, I think we need to find some food and all go together" I glance around the total silence when the wind drops slightly unnerving.

"Okay, kitchens next then" he grins scooping up a handful of snow and shaping a ball to throw at me before rushing back the way we came.

Thad and Rupert join us outside our dorm building and I know by their glum expression it's not good news."Nothing?" I query.

"Everything is out, we are going to have to wait it out, how about you, find anything?" they ask.

"Nothing" I repeat "Lets go and find some food" 

Rupert and Topper kick snow at each other as we head for the catering block and their laughter fills the silence around us as we tromp through the snow. I know both Thad and I are scanning for any sign of life, surely one of the staff would have come to check on the campus?

As we turn the corner of the building, thad's hand comes out and stops me "Look" he says pointing at a trail through the snow, coming from the other direction. "Theres someone been here" he says pointing out the obvious.

"Staff?" I question

"Must be, there are no students on site, let's go find out" he says following the steps into the building, the rest of us just behind him.

I watch as he freezes and his hand comes up to warn us to stop, I watch his body react over whatever he is seeing.  His head tilts almost showing confusion and I step forward to his side wanting to see what he was, Topper and Rupert coming forward as well and we stand in a line, facing... a girl, who has just seen us too.

I scowl, what is she doing her, who is she?  "Who are you?" I snap out and see her jump a little at my tone.

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