11. Thaddeus

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When I had woken wrapped around her I had felt a sense of belonging, of peace that I had never felt before and I knew it was all Per.  Rupert suggestion of sharing her was also sounding more and more attractive, and not as out of reach as it sounded.  

Could we share her?

There were a few high profile polyamory groups that every now and again made the headlines, the Rose Family and also the Kingswood Family.  I knew if it was a lifestyle we were going to follow there would be press speculation when it came to light, and our families would probably disown us if they could get away with it but she was worth it... if she agreed.

I knew the others were up, I had heard their voices as they moved around and I felt the moment she started to wake, her body stretching within my hold before freezing as I chuckle and then I am falling backwards out of the bed as she screamed "What the hell!" I groan from the floor looking up to see her peek over the edge of the bed, confusion, then worry, then remembrance flashing across her face.

"What?" she spluttered out but then. "Oh damn! I'm so sorry" she whispers looking down and I can't help but grin back at her.

"Not a wake up, I can say I like but how are you feeling?" I ask.

She groans hiding her face in the covers. "Are you hurt?" she asks instead of answering my question but the chuckles from the door distract her, as Ivo pushes the door wider open and steps inside his pyjama bottoms hanging low on his hips and I watch her swallow and blush, her eyes glued to him.

Ivo sticks his hand out "He's made of rocks, he's not hurt, don't worry" he tells her as he pulls me up , both of us now stood looking down at her and we can see the flare in her eyes as she takes us in.

I am only in pyjamas, the soft jersey material not hiding anything, her gaze showing her interest as it drops lower and her eyes flare wide as my cock jumps at her perusal.

Her eyes raced up to my face and I grin, Ivo just laughs, his arm coming round me, and her gaze is off again, running over both of us now, especially a shirtless Ivo.  Ivo laughs again and lifts the pillow she had hidden under "Come on Per, its time to get up, Ru is making breakfast and coffee" he instructs her and she nods muttering okay and we leave the room.

"What happened?" Rupert demanded when we reach the kitchen area, "I got up to do the fire check and you were both sound asleep... together" I grin at him, knowing he was wishing it was him.

"Bad dream" I explained not wanting to say any more, as Topper comes in a plate of toast in his hand and a long toasting fork.

I grin again, knowing they must have all been up for a while to get this much done, and they had left us sleeping, god I loved these guys.

We were all at the table when Per joined us, Ivo sitting her between the two of us and I could see how nervous she was. I had hoped the boys would let it go but after Ivo explained how we had managed to get toast on the table, Topper had to ask.

"Well?" Topper questions.

"Well what?" I counter

"Thad" Rupert growls but I ignore him.

I could see her fidgeting and the way she kept her gaze down and knew I had to say something to shut them all up, "She had a nightmare, I heard her crying in her sleep and went to check, I stayed till she fell asleep again but fell asleep too" I explained not wanting to say how upset she was. 

She tilts her head and looks at me and I wonder what she is thinking.  "I asked him to stay, he made me feel safe" she rushes out and they all look at her. "I have nightmares after... well after, and its most nights, last night I asked Thad to stay because he made me feel safer and I slept, probably the best sleep I have had in a long time" she explains before whispering  "I felt safe"

"Then from now on one of us will sleep at your side" Ivo said into the silence and we all agree as she looked at him in shock.

"I...I..." she stutters out.

"Per, is it just Thad" Ivo asks taking her hand in his, "Do you feel scared when you are with us?" she shakes her head, her eyes locked on his. "Do we scare you, when I pull you onto my lap, when I hold your hand?" he continues and she just shakes her head silently.

"And if Rupert holds your hand, or Topper, do you want to run, to hide, to escape?" he asks her and she cannot look away from him.   We all watch as Ivo moved closer to her "And... What if we kissed you?" he whispered.

She stayed silent, her eyes locked with his and our eyes locked on her.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked and with her slightest of nods his lips met hers.  "Perfect" he praised her breaking the trance.

She searched our faces "What's happening?" she question us and we all look at Ivo to answer for us.

"We like you, all of us and we would like you to consider, well if you would consider all of us ,as a package deal, date us all, don't chose one of us, take all of us" he offers.

Her gaze is flicking between us all as we all wait for her reply "Could they really share me" she mutters out.

"Yes, we could" Ivo replies and she looks shocked, did she not mean to say that?

"Can I, Can I think about it?" she ask us nervously, again searching our faces and I know she is looking for some sign of discord, that someone wasn't happy with what we had suggested.

"Take all the time you need, but we will keep showing you, why we think this will work, whist you are thinking" Rupert tells her and again we all nod.

Ivo squeezes her hand before leaning back and changing the conversation to todays actions.  We knew we would have to go and get more firewood and provisions but we also wanted to see if anyone else had returned to the campus, preferably the caretaker, or at least of we could see if anywhere on site had power.

As we talked we all kept an eye on Per, she had eaten the toast but her coffee had gone cold, and we knew she was working through her thoughts, we didn't want to rush her, we wanted her to realise this would be a good step... for all of us.

Eventually Topper guided Per into the common room, covering her with a blanket and returning to make her fresh a hot drink, as we all got ready. Topper was going to stay with her, after finding the footprints in the snow yesterday we did not want to leave her alone.

Outside the snow had cleared all trace of previous movements, the blindingly white surface making me think of skiing, whilst we had originally been heading to the beach for winter break, it was just as usual for us to go skiing as a group, and I wondered if Per skied, then I thought of her at the beach, would she wear a bikini, a one piece, would her curves be as beautiful as I imagine when I look at her.

Whilst Rupert moves round the building to reload the barrow with logs, Ivo and I head to the stock room first for more candles and matches, then into the kitchen, Ivo pausing at the office door, I watch him peer through the small glass window before giving the door a hard kick he breaks the small lock and pushes inside.

"Ivo, what are you doing?"

"There's another walkie talkie" he calls back, coming out with it in his hand and a booklet.

"What's that?"

"Codes and frequencies, if we can't get anyone in the school we maybe able to raise outside help" he explains and I feel a little spark of hope, we can get some contact, then I realise that may bring to an end our time with Per.

"Good" I reply, sounding anything but happy.

He claps me on the shoulder "Contact with the outside world will not mean we are going to lose her, we will make sure of that" he tells me, knowing straight away the reason behind my feelings.

"Fuck, we better not, I've never felt anything like I feel when I am with her." I mumble, as we round up the rest of what we need. including some larger pans. Carrying it all outside to a waiting Rupert, we balance what we can on top of the logs and head back.

"Now we have a second walkie talkie we can set it up so we can leave Per in the warm while we look around later, she can have one and so can we" Ivo explains to Rupert and I know it will make our searching easier later if we know she is safe.

There is no sign of anyone else in the snow and we use or earlier track back, Per and Topper again coming to help carry everything upstairs.

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