21. Topper

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Lucky bastard, I thought to myself as Ru led a blushing, flushed and very sexy Per back inside after their afternoon snorkelling,  Though it was obvious to all of us that wasn't all they had been doing.

Kissing her, he had let her go to head for the shower and I had followed him into the kitchen watching him unload their bag.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked as he pulled out her ruined top and swimsuit, opening the bin to dispose of it, but my hand stopped him.  "Has this been cut?" I demanded and Ru flushed, pulling out of my hand and getting rid of the clothing.

"Ru!" I growl.

"Yes" he hissed back, turning to stare at me,, his eyes dark and challenging. "I cut it off her after I had tied her up" he growled out and I froze.

"Fuck, that sounds hot" Thad said from behind me and I whirled round, to glare at him and Ivo.

"He cut her clothes off" my voice rose "He tied her up"

"Did she enjoy it?" Thad asks Ru and I turned back to see the silly grin on his face.

"She came so hard she passed out" he muttered, and I could see he was both embarrassed and excited about that.

"Fuck" Thad said again and Ivo laughed.

"Good, as long as she enjoyed it" he said and tuned away, leaving me glaring at Rupert.

"Shit, sorry" I ran my hands through my hair "Sorry, I was jealous" I told him, realising what I was feeling.

"I understand, I really do" he replies, "Listen take her out tonight, just the two of you" 

"I agree" came Ivo's and Thad's voices from the lounge.

"Agree with what?" Per's voice joins in as she comes down the stairs, dressed now.

"Topper is taking you out tonight, just the tow of you" Ivo tells her with grin and she swings to look at me.

"Really, where are we going?" I hear the excitement ion her voice and feel my tension go, releasing the jealousy and fear.

"Where would you like to go?" I ask her moving forward and raising her hand to my lips as I gather her closer to me. She leans into my body and I breath in her scent.

"Can we go to that little seafood place, the one we went to with your sister?" she asks looking hopeful and I nod agreeing. "Is this okay?" she asks doing a twirl and I nod again transfixed by her laughter.

"Get going before you have the rest of us joining you" Ivo called and I growled at him, making Per laugh more as she put her hand in mine.

I could hear the bustle of the household but my focus was on Per as I guided her to the car we were using, opening her door and helping her in and even going as far as to buckle the seat belt for her as she watched me.  "You okay?" she asked, placing a hand on my thigh as we drove towards town.  

I could hear her concern and didn't know how to address it.

"Just say what's bothering you, stop trying to overthink it" she tells me with a soft smile.

"I sorry, I thought I was jealous, earlier." I paused "I saw Ru getting rid of your clothes, I was angry because I was jealous of him" I looked across at her and she was biting her lip watching me.  "When you came back downstairs and you came to me, so easily, so open, I felt how stupid I had been, it wasn't jealousy, well not only, it was fear... fear you wouldn't choose me, or that i... I couldn't satisfy you, like they could"

Her mouth had dropped open in shock, and I pulled over and switched off the engine. "I'm sorry" I repeat again and she shakes her head at me.

"Why would you worry" she blushed bright red "about satisfying me?" she whispered.

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