17. Ivo

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I turn to face Cassandra and I hope she realises just how far she has overstepped, how dare she. What right does she have to question Per's presence with us. She flushes, at my expression and looks away from me.

I look at Alexandria and I know she too is horrified, but it's too late now, and she knows it.  I know Cassandra comes to these events hoping that we would show an interest in her. Yes, she was a good friend to Lexia anyway but her goal was to 'catch' one of us and I didn't even think she would be fussy who, as long as it wasn't Cosmo or Cassian, she was scared of them, though none of us knew why, they disliked her and showed it, she was just planning for her future as a trophy wife. Whilst her parents were very well off, it was nothing like the power and wealth behind anyone of our families... including Per's.

Both Cassian and Cosmo are looking at her with a scowl, and I laugh a little internally, this would be her last time here, they will cut her away from Lexia's life as soon as they claim her for their own, but that would be another story.

"My parents are aware I am here and are quite happy about it" Per replies looking straight at Cassandra, "As I am sure are yours" she adds and I see Cassandra's fist tighten at the subtle dig.

"How long have you been a couple?" Cassandra continues in a voice that is anything but nice.  I look across at Rupert and nod slightly, knowing he was ready to answer with the truth and I've just given him all our blessing. I smiled as he lifted Per's hand to his lips and kissed her, making Per blush and Cassandra hiss.

"Two days" Rupert says and we all watch the confusion on her face

"Two days... two days and you have brought her home for Christmas?" Cassandra laughs and whispers "Gold digging bitch" under her breath to Alexandria but I still hear her and I want to grab her and throw her out for daring to insult Per.

Laurent leans forward, Thad's dad is usually the last to engage with conversations but he looks furious.  His movement, breaking our shock at Cassandra's attack on Per and none of us could have foreseen what happens next.  We all watched rapt as his gaze assessed Cassandra before he looks at Per, smiling her way "Per is the heir to BB Pharmaceuticals, the only heir. She is more than a match for any other heir here" his gaze swings back to Cassandra "You would do well to remember that Ms Simpson"

I wanted to cheer, my gaze flitting to Thad who was watching his father with a slightly stunned expression on his face, as Cassandra rushed off the terrace, tears falling at her embarrassment.

Alexandria stands and looks hesitantly after her friend before turning to Per "I'm sorry she was rude... excuse me" she says before following Cassandra.

The rest of our siblings are sat watching, most with a grin on their faces at the events unfolding in front of them.  "Welcome to the families Per" Laurent says leaning back, his arm going around his wife who is smiling proudly at him.

We can all see Per is feeling overwhelmed and Rupert moves first, pulling her up and holding her close as he addresses our families   "Okay then, I think that's enough excitement for now. We are going to go and settle in and show Per around, see you all later"

The he whispers in her ear and she sends him a small smile as he steps back and Thad reaches for her hand, leading her away, Topper and Ru at their backs as I look at my family, both blood and extended.  "Thank you for supporting us" I tell them before following Per, leaving the low murmurs of ours families behind me.

My 'brothers' are stood around her, in the middle of the lounge,  Per giggling as they try to make her take the master suite, Thad telling her its his parents property so what he says goes, and that puts her in the master.  She laughs but continues to argue it should be his then.

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