Part 9

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Maddie's P.O.V 


Iv been so busy the past couple of days, writing new music and recording heaps of songs. Iv meet so many new amazing people, i even met Usher. He's so dope, he gives really good advice too. Me and Justin have become so close, his pretty much my bestfriend. He even told me about his past, going to jail and why he was getting in so much trouble with the law. We all have pasts,i sure as hell have one. Justin shouldnt be judged for his just because his so popular. I get back home on Sunday. im so excited to see Jack, iv been talking to him over the phone and though facetime, this whole week. I feel like im starting to have feelings for him but im about to move to LA and i dont even know if he feels the same way. i have 2 weeks back home before i have to move to LA. Justin said i can move in with him so that i dont have to look for house's plus im about to be the opening act on his world tour whitch is in 2 mouths. im so excisted for it, i think its really going to kick off my career.

"when do you get back? i feel like its been age's since i saw you last." Jack says making a powty face. i love facetime, i never used it but Jack got me onto it."Sunday. i know it feels like age's to me too. i miss you heaps chicken." i say loughing at the nickname i have given him. i gave him that nickname becasue when we  where facetiming one night, he was eating chicken. He ate so much that i thought he was going to turn into a chicken. He had like 13 chicken wigs. So i started calling him chicken.

i still havent told Jack about why im in LA or that im moving here. I want to wait just a little longer, i want to spend the whole 2 weeks with him and since school hoildays start next week, im plaining to make sure im with him everyday. iv really grown to like him. 

Katey flow back home yesturday, her mum said she has missed to much school. Plus her and Sammy are dating now, i hope he doesn't hurt her, she's been hurt before and it made her really depressed. She tried commmitting suicide two diffent times. Im glade i made it in time for both times. But now that im moving to LA Sammy better take care of her or ill kick his ass,lol.

"i better get going,i think im going out for dinner tonight and i have to get ready. Plus we have been talking for 3 hours." i say giggling. "ahaha, ok beautiful, ill talk to you tommorrow night." He says kissing the screen. i do the same before hitting the end button.

i walk into justins room, whitch is right next to mine. "hey, you ready to go out?" Justin says before pulling a top over his head, then placing a snapback on. "yeah, just let me get my bag." i say running back to my room. "Maddie i got you something, come here." i grab my bag and walk back to his room. "whats up?" i say sitting on his bed. "i got you this, thought you might like it." he says grabing a massive box out from under his bed. "whats this for?" i say confused. "just because you have been so amazing to me this past week, and its like a pre tour present" he says with a massive smile on his face. i unwrap it and its a black box with CHANEL written on the front with white ribbon that said CHANEL all over it too. "o my god. are you serious?" i say unwraping the ribbon, opening the box. i remove the paper, and its a pink CHANEL bag, the one iv wanted for age's but i didnt want to spend that much money on a bag. my mouth flow open, "are you kidding me? thank you so much Justin, ow my god." i say putting the bag to the side, running up to him, bear hugging him. "your welcome, thank you for being there to talk, you deserve it." he says hugging me tighter. I cant even rap my head around the fact that he would buy such an expensive bag, just for me. i contunue my 'thank yous'  until Vicky come to tell us we have to leave. Vicky helps me change over my bags and we head out the door.Vicky's my new road mannger, Scooter is my main manger and shes my road mannger for when im travling or when ever Scooters busy. 

We get to the restaurant and there so many fan's and paparazzi already there, surounding our car. Its not the first time paparazzi have followed me and Justin. Im kind of getting used to it. "MADDIE, MADDIE, JUSTIN!!! OVER HERE!! ARE YOU GUYS DATING? JUSTIN, MADDIE...." i hear while we walk though the massive croud. "that was a breath of resh air." i say sitting down at our table. "yeah, haha alot more where that came from." Justin says taking the seat next to me. we all lough and make simple dinner conversationn, talking about tour and other plains they all have for me. im so excited for evrything, this is all such a blessing to me. These things really dont happen to loners like me, i guess im not a loner anymore.

After dinner we walk though the flashing lights, paparazzi and fans. We get back to Justins and just chill for the rest of the night, singing and dancing just having fun before i have to leave for 2 weeks. Im so so so excited to live in LA but im going to miss home just as much, my parents are going to still live in Michigan and im just going to move to LA by myself and live with Justin. My whole life is already plained out, this week has been so crazy, im excited to see Jack though, thats the main thing im excited about going back and of couse seeing Katey and the other boys but i miss jack in a different way. I really like him.

Text from Jack 11:34pm...

Jacky boy <3: Hope you had an amazing night beauitful, sleep well and ill talk to you tommorrow. night xx

His so cute and sweet. i text him back a goodnight and tell everyone im going to bed. i get to my room and take all my clothes off, jumping staight into my worm pyjamas i got from Victora Secret, i remeber getting them with Jack. I jump into bed and put my phone on charge, falling alseep.

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