Part 21

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2 Weeks Later...

Maddie's P.O.V

Katey's moving today, I'm so excited. We always planed to live together at some point in our live's and its finally the time. I grab my keys for my car and my handbag. I drive to L.A.X airport and the whole ride there I'm on every radio station, its so crazy. I park my car and head throw the airport. The moment i get to the entrance of the airport there's heaps of paparazzi and fans. I'm now used to the paparazzi so i take 20 minutes with the fans, taking photos together and following them on twitter, its the least thing i could do. I finally get to Katey's gate and wait for her flight to land. 

"MADDIE!" Katey yells running up to me, bear hugging me. Iv missed her so much. "How was your flight?" I ask walking with her to get her bags. "Amazing, it went pretty slow though, guess i was too excited." She says laughing. We get her bags and head to my car. Its pandemonium the minute we walk out, there's more paparazzi then before and some more fans. I say hi to all the fans and keep walking to the car.

"This room is your's, its the second biggest." I say to Katey showing her, her new room in the apartment. "Thank's so much fag." She says dropping her bags on the floor unpacking them. I help her unpack and we catch up on things.

"MADDIE!!!!" She yells, stopping what she's doing. "Have you told Jack?" She continued. I told her about what happened with Justin. "Not yet. I'm waiting until he gets back. I don't want to say it over the phone or face-time." "That's true, how long until he get's back?" She asks. "2 more weeks." I answer.

I post a selfie of us together and Katey's Twitter starts blowing up.She didn't think that my fan's where that powerful. "Dude i just gained like a thousand follows with in minutes. your fan's have some power." She says, we both lough. "i know, there pretty amazing."

4 hours later...

"Dude you are getting fat." Katey says as i sit on the couch. I'm wearing a tight singlet and track suit pants. "I know man.Its the size of a peach now." "That's so crazy man." "What movie do you want to watch?" I ask, turning on the apple T.V. "lets be cops, that looks good." "Yeah, iv been wanting to see that." I turn the move on, waiting for the adds to finish i make pop-corn and grab some drinks and lollies. I play the move and we have a girls night. Though out the whole movie we laughed and ate most of the food.

"its only 8pm, what do you want to watch next?" I ask. "the fault in our stars." she answers. I put in on and cuddle with her. I have missed these times with my best friend. We used to have a girl night's every Saturday, we would take it in turns on who's house we would do it at. I'm so excited to start that tradition again. 

Jack's P.O.V

Text from Sammy: Bro, come out tonight. I'm throwing a party. 8:30pm, be there!! :)

The last party i want to was Sammy's, and i got into a fight with that dumb ass Cameron. I text him back and let know I'm coming. I go down stairs and tell my mum ill be out till late. I go back up room and have a shower, getting dressed and leaving. "Bye, love you mum." I say kissing her on the cheek, heading out the door. Johnson picks me up in his car, His not drinking tonight. 

We get to the party and like always there hundreds of people already there. I walk though the crowd of people and get a drink. I find Sammy and Nash, we start talking and just chilling. I'm having a good time until i spot my ex Alli, she seems to be at a lot of Sammy's party's. She spots me too and walks over. "Hey Gilinsky. How's LA?" I ignore her question. "why are you still in Nebraska?" I ask. "My mum got a job down here. Now why don't you answer my question Gilinsky?" She says smiling at me. "LA's good." I say grabbing another drink, drinking half of it. If i have to talk to this slut i need to be more drunk.

"I heard your dating Maddie Robinson. She's super famous, good choice. They said on the news that she's already made million's of dollars." "why dose that matter? I was dating her before all that happened." I say, snapping at her. "Hey, just stating the facts, calm down." She says slightly slapping my arm. "Sorry, just that we never ended on good terms. Don't want you thinking what you did to me was OK." I say slightly calming down. "Hey, Jack, I'm sorry for all that shit. We where stupid back then. We thought we where in love but we obviously where not. You need to move on from that. Lets just get back to being friends." She says smiling at me again. All i can think about is Maddie's smile, i would kill to see her amazing smile right now. "yeah, your right. Sorry for overreacting." "OK, now lets hug it out." She says extending her arms out for the hug. I hug her for a few seconds and pull away. "That's better. now lets get you another drink." She says handing me another drink. "thanks." i say grabbing the drink. 

Couple hours later...

Before i know it, iv had too many drinks, i can barely see. "Hey lets talk in Sammy's room." Alli says taking my hand and leading me to the bedroom. I know its not good but I'm too drunk to even think about what I'm doing. I sit on Sammy's bed and she sit's right next to me. We start talking about the old days and before i know it, where making out.

"Fuck! This isn't right! I have a fucking girlfriend." I say yelling, getting up from the bed. "Sorry." She says laughing. "Your such a slut. I'm not going to let you ruin my life again." I say walking out of the room, leaving the party. I'm not waiting for Johnson, i need to get out straight away. I'll walk home. Im walking so fast it only takes me 20 minutes. I sneak into the house as its 3am and i don't want to wake my mum. I lay on my bed and fall asleep. I'm such a fuck up...

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