Part 28

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Maddie's P.O.V

Today me and Jack are fighting back to LA, we will be back in Michigan in around 2 and a half months. It is so crazy to think that in 3 more months, I will give birth to nugget. Me and Jack are so excited and we can finally let everyone know now, like the media and my fan's. 

"Come on, the Uber is here." Jack says, taking mine and his bag. We walk down stairs and say goodbye to his mum. The uber takes us to the airport and there's 3 paparazzi and heaps of fans. I take photos with the fan's, some ask me if im pregnant and i tell them. They where all supportive and congratulated me, witch i was super thankful for. 


We walk though the door and Katey greets us both with a hug. "Maddie, Your so big now. Jeez, Its like you just blow up like a balloon." She says, touching my tummy, rubbing it. "Hey, Leave nugget alone.  I do think 'nug' needs to lay off the nuggets though."I say rubbing my tummy too,And we all lough. I help Jack un pack our clothes. I lay on the bed, going on twitter. There's pictures of me from the airport, you can totally tell im pregnant. I hear Katey yell my name from the lounge room. "whats up?" I say looking at her. "You're on the new's." They head line says 'MADDIE ROBINSON SHOWING OFF PREGNANT BELLY!!!' And a picture from the airport.

"At lest you still look amazing, beautiful." Jack says hugging me from behind, kissing my cheek. "Thanks baby. lol, its so wired seeing my self on TV." I say walking back into the bedroom, laying back on the bed.

Jack lays next to me and talks to nugget. "Nugget, Now, don't you ever let this world define you. If you want to be a singer just like mummy, you go ahead and do that. If you want to be a doctor you can do that too, you just be want you want to be, ok." He says speaking every word into my tummy, making it vibrate. I feel the baby kick and I'm sure Jack did too.

"What was that?" he asks. "The baby just kicked, its never done that before. that's so wired. It made me feel really wired." I say laughing so loud, Jack lough's too. "Do you like when daddy talks to you?" He says talking back into my tummy. And it makes the baby kick again. "Ahhh, dose that hurt?" Jack says looking at me. "Not really, it just. i dont know feels wired."

2 months later, 8 months pregnant...

I wake up like normal, but i dont feel well. I have a little bit of pain on the side of my tummy. Jack gets up and go's to his acting gig he got around two weeks ago. His going to be in some movie with all thease comedians. After Jack leaves Katey come's in and gives me breakfast, i eat a little bit but it makes me feel even more sick. "You ok?" She asks, laying next to me on the bed. "Yeah just feeling a little sick." I say holding my tummy. "Are you sure? Don't lie to me." She says giving me 'the look'. "Im in some pain but im sure its fine. Its probably because im tired.", "Well go back to sleep and i will wake you up in an hour, so that we can go to the studio." She says leaving the room and I fall back asleep.

Katey wake's me up an hour later and i get dressed, then leave to go to the studio. We get to the studio, im still in a little pain but not as much as before. I record some songs and just chill. After a couple hours at the studio me and Katey go back to the apartment. 

"Im going to go out to Mike's, you ok by yourself?" Katey asks grabbing her bag. "Yeah, have fun." I say, and she leaves. I put a movie on and eat some ice cream. I go on twitter and instagram, talking to the fans and posting some stuff. 

Jack gets home and tell's me he has some where he wants to go. I grab my handbag and we leave. "where are we going?" I ask, getting into the passenger seat. "Its a surprise." He answers, driving out of the street, going on the free way. i have no clue where we are going. We drive for over 2 hour's. "Are we nearly there?" I ask, "yeah, nearly." he says keeping his eyes on the road but still holding my hand.

We finally pull into a car pack, i can see the beach. "I didnt bring bathers, you didnt tell me to bring any." i say, trying to make a point of, why are we there. "You wont need any." He says getting out of the car and opening my door. The sun is setting, its the most beautiful thing ever. We walk down to the beach and there's already a blanket and snack's there. "Will you have a beach side picnic with me Maddie Robinson?" He asks, walking me over to the spot. "I would love to Jack Gilinsky." I say sitting next to him on the rug. We watch the sun set and eat chocolate covered strawberries, laughing and just relaxing.

It gets dark quick and there's lights set up around us. "why is there no one on this beach? And why did we drive so far?" I ask, iv been wondering this whole time. "I rented the whole beach for us and This is the only beach that would let me." He says laughing a little. "Your cute." I say kissing him. "I have to ask you something." He says, "What? ask away." I say cuddling into him. "Maddie Robinson, I know we have not even been together long, I know we have been though a lot but I just wanted to ask you this..." He stands up and helps me stand too, i have no idea where he is going with this. "Maddie Robinson?", "Yes Jack Gilinsky?" I say. "Will you be my forever? will you be mine? Will you marry me?" He says getting on one knee, taking a little box from his pocket. "YES, Ow my god, Jack." I say letting him place the massive diamond on my finger. I bear hug him. "Baby, I love you." Jack says hugging me tighter. "I love you too." I have butterfly's, im engaged, this is crazy. 

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