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You and your bf Hak had just moved in together. He's such a gentlemen and he totally understands that you both have different schedules.

Lately it's been super stressful for you with the move in, getting everything settled and your job. You've been exhausted lately since your boss is making you work overtime.

You get home after a long day. You open the door and smell an amazing dinner.

"What is that it smells amazing!!"

"Hi darling, I'm making dinner."

"Aw you didn't have to do that."

He's at the stove stirring the dinner. (Whatever u want)

You hug him from behind, feeling his abs through his shirt. "You're soooo warm" You smile so wide. He's so comfy. "I could fall asleep like this."

He chuckles. "Dinner will be ready soon."

"I'll set the table." You say.

You both sit down as he brings it over.

"This looks so good, from now on you'll have to make dinner." You tease.

"Ok" He's serious.

"I'm just kidding, I'll make dinner too of course and maybe sometimes we can make it together."

"That sounds great." he reaches out to touch your hand, giving you a warm smile.

You both dig in.

After you're done he asks, "How was your day?"

"Stressful..." you go on to tell him about your boss and coworkers. He'd say the occasional "of course" and "I understand"

"That was my day, how was yours?"

"It was alright...." He went in to tell you about his day. How he went by the coffee shop and tried that drink you recommended. How he had lunch with one of his coworkers. "I wanted to have it with you but we have different schedules."

"Well maybe I can take a later lunch sometime and we can go somewhere."

"Yeah I'd like that."

You nodded, "Me too." Comfortable silence. "I'll put the dishes away." You got up, lightly brushing Haks arm as you did.

You got ready for bed and so did he. You both made your way to the bed. You cuddled up against his front, your back facing him.

"Your hair smells good." Hak said as he played with it.

"Thanks" you grinned, droopy from being so tired.

"I love you."

"I love you too." You reply.

He gently moved your hair off of your neck. You felt his breath on your neck, as he gingerly kissed your neck. You felt a shiver down your spine.

"I love you" he whispered in your ear.

He kissed you again, right where your neck slopes to your shoulders. And again, right at the top of your shoulder.


"Hm?" You hummed. He made you melt, you felt like jelly now.

"Goodnight" He caressed your hair again making sure it was completely off your neck.

"Goodnight" You whispered barely able to hear yourself. Your eyes were heavy and you succumbed to sleep.

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