Part 1

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You wake up to Eri jumping on the bed. You sit up and rub your eyes and ask what's going on

Y/n: What's going on?

Eri: Daddy said we can come with him to his job

You smile


Eri: Mhm

Y/n: Yay

You start jumping on the bed as well

Eri: We should get dressed

Y/n: Maybe take a bath first

Eri: Yeah

You guys get your clothes ready and get the stuff ready for a bath

Y/n: Shouldn't we call Daddy to come help us?

Eri: No, I'm a big girl and so are you we don't need help

Y/n: Ok

You get take your clothes off and get in the bath. 

Eri: I think I added a bit too much soap, I can barely see the water

Y/n: Its ok, well be more clean

Eri: Yeah

She gets back in the tub and you guys wash yourselves

Y/n: I got water in my eyes

Eri: Me too, but it's ok its just water

Y/n: Ok

Eri: We're done washing anyway, let's get dressed

Y/n: Ok 

You guys dry yourselves off and then get dressed. You guys are wearing matching outfits. Eri is wearing a blue shirt with black pants and your wearing a black shirt and blue pants 

Eri: We need to brush our teeth and do our hair

You go back in yall room and get 2 small chairs and stand on then and brush yall teeth. You guys then do your hair ( 2 pony tails and a blue and black bow on each). 

Y/n: Lets go make up the bed and then go down stairs

Eri: Ok

You guys make up the bed and then go down stairs

Present Mic: I thought you 2 were still sleeping

Eri: Nope

Y/n: Is it true that we're going to your job?!

Present Mic: Yup

Eri: YAY!

( Time skip to UA)

Y/n: Its so big

Eri: And clean

You guys see a fly

Aizawa: Some what

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