Part 11

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The next morning Bakugo wakes up first and looks down to see you sleeping peacefully until you wake up

Y/n: Bombman?

Bakugo: What

Y/n: I can't breath through my nose

Bakugo: Need a tissue?

Y/n: Yes 

He gets up and gets you a tissue

Y/n: Thank you

You blow your nose and nothing comes out

Bakugo: Blow harder 

You blow harder and this big chunk of blood came out 

Y/n: Ew

Bakugo: Can you breath?

Y/n Yes 

He picks you up and cleans your nose off

Bakugo: You ok?

Y/n: Mhm

Bakugo: Lets get you ready ok?

Y/n: K

He gives you a bath, brushes your teeth and does your hair. When he's done getting you ready he gives you his phone 

Bakugo: Stay here ok?

Y/n: Ok

He turns around and then turns back to look at you but you're gone. He feels a light tug at his leg and looks down 

Y/n: Where you going?

Bakugo: Im gonna take a shower stay here

Y/n: I wanna stay with you

He puts you back on the bed and puts you back to sleep while he gets in the shower. A few moments later he gets out the shower and gets dressed then comes out the bathroom to see you still sleeping 

Bakugo: Thank god

He wakes you up and hold you in his arms. He leaves everyone else in the room and takes you to some place to get some food. As you guys are walking down the street, you look down and see a bug

Y/n: What's that?

You point to ladybug on the floor

Bakugo: Its a ladybug

You sit on the ground and find it pretty. You touch it and it flys a little bit and you jump back

Bakugo: Lets go

You get up and hold his hand

???: Is that is daughter?

???: Probably not

???: She doesn't look like him at all 

???: Should we take action?

???: No, we'll wait

???: Ok

You and bakugo go and get you guy's food and go back to UA

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